Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Thank You!!! And a few of my Favourite things

Dearest Readers~
Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday blessings! Your kind words in your comments brightened my day immensely, and I am truly grateful for dear blogging friends! You are all the best, and do not let anyone say other wise.

Well, I suppose some of you are wondering how old I did turn. And my grand age is:


I really cannot believe fourteen years have passed all ready. I am so thankful of the blessings and favourite things the Lord has filled in my life. To celebrate 14 years I am going to list 14 wonderful blessings:

1. Family! My family is so supportive, so wonderful! No words can even half-way describe my love to them.

2. Friends~My friends are so wonderful. This blog has not even been established for a year, and I have all ready gained so many dear friends who I am eternally grateful to have in my acquaintance. A few of them I have written and Skyped with; every letter, note, and Skyping message is always a joy!

3. My neighbors~We are very blessed to live in a good, safe neighborhood. When I was younger, I envied people who lived in neat neighborhoods with sidewalks (yeah, we don't have sidewalks), and filled with many children to play with. Now, I see that I would rather have the neighbors we have currently, then a neighborhood filled with kids who would be influence me to do wrong.

4. Pen and Paper~ School has been a major source for my writing skills. I am immensely grateful that Mother has been willing to homeschool me since kindergarten!!!

5. Good Books~ Many thanks to Nancy Drew, Vision Forum, and Jane Austen! (There's a rumor going about that Charlotte Bronte is better than J.A.! Hmm?:)

6. A Cup of Steaming Tea~they warm me inside and out on those dreary days!

7. Letters and Packages Tied Up with Strings~These are a few of my favourite things!!! Yes, letters sealed with a bright red wax seal, is such a pleasant sight!!!

8. Sewing and Crocheting~A wonderful art filled with so much to do!

9. Sweet-scented Soap~It is true. Sweet soap cheers me up whenever I take a bath. Right now, I am using a very nice bar of Rosewater soap!:)

10. Roses, Lilacs, and Lavender!

11. Music!

12. Road to Avonlea and Larkrise to Candleford are a joy to watch!
13. Giveaways!:) Everyone loves a good giveaway!

14. My Blogging Sisters in Christ~You are all such wonderful blessings! Your comments are a bit of sunshine, and your kind words so refreshing!

Lots of Love,

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