Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

October's Monthly Interview #1 Kassie from A Stand Against the World

There are so many young ladies that want to be interviewed, that I have decided to post at least two interviews each month. I'm sorry I did not post this sooner.

To-day's interview is with a lovely young maiden, whom I have just recently met. She is a very sweet young lady with a heart and passion for the Lord.

Grace: When did you first create your blog and how long have you been blogging?

Miss Kassie: Well, I first created my blog a couple months ago but, I have been blogging for two years now.

Grace: What is your favourite part about blogging?

Miss Kassie: Sharing my thoughts and my beliefs and writing!

Grace: What will readers most likely find at your blog?

Miss Kassie: My day to day life and debatable things...along with God struck thoughts and articles.

Grace: Tell us some of your favourite pastimes and or interests.

Miss Kassie: Well..where do I start?... Crochet, cooking, READING! (Huge book worm), embroidery, writing!, sewing and audio dramas. And of course, spending time with my heavenly prince :) Interest? Politics, writing, Eras of elegance, any womanly accessories, Femininity.

Grace: Give us a little insight into your life.

Miss Kassie: My life consist of God honoring femininity! Nothing else. I am the meal planer for my family and the eldest of four.

Grace: One word that would describe your personality and why?

Miss Kassie: Creativity, because I ALWAYS have ideas !

Grace: Tell us a bit about your walk with Christ.

Miss Kassie: I have been a christian ever sense I can remember...but I didn't really get the true concept of a Christ like woman till earlier this year. So for the past year I have reconstructed my life and am now have a passion for God's true call of womanhood! Check out my other blog at: Ladiesoffemininity.blogspot.com

Thank you so much, Kassie for letting me interview you!
I do greatly encourage you to visit Kassie's Blog at A Stand Against the World.


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