Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

From a Sleepy Head

The pic above totally justifies my state at the moment. What's so good about mornings when u haven't slept well in the last 3 days! :-| And i don't have anyone to blame but myself. I haven't been able to sleep well since Sunday night, reason being totally psychological, i am living in an empty house. :( I just can't stay alone and this has been a problem with me since childhood. I need to have somebody around at any point of time. The moment i realise that i am alone i start getting disturbing thoughts in mind; ghosts, rape, murder....u name it and its all there. My mind is in such an alert state that it becomes extremely difficult for me to shut my mind up for me to fall asleep!

I know what will everybody suggest, that i shud try to avoid such thoughts from coming to my mind by diverting it to better things like reading, listening to music, watching tv etc...well, looks like i have done it all without much respite. Like yesterday, i slept after 1.30 a.m, that's better than Sunday though when i slept at 3 a.m!! I am feeling so sleepy and heady at the moment that i cud fall asleep just about anywhere, doesn't help my case since i am at work and i just cannot afford to fall asleep! I can't seem to find a remedy to this problem, except for waiting for my parents to come back, which is not going to happen before Monday. :( Sigh, so i have 5 more days to go.

Right now i am waiting for the weekend like never before to catch up on some sleep. Let me go and grab some coffee, at least that will help me stay awake. Anyways, all of u have a great week ahead.

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