Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010


An early morning episode with an irritating colleague has lead me to write this post. No no, this is not going to be a post where i will be ranting or venting out my anger. I am just going to write down a list of things that put me off! So here it is:

1. People who think others are dumb, and behave as if they are the only smart one around. Its strange that they do not realise that they are the dumbest of the lot!

2. People who brag about their possessions or how much they work and how great they are, makes me pity them coz i believe that one should let their actions do the talking.

3. People who are superficial/shallow and vain irk me to no end! The sad part is that they don't even realise this, talk about "Ignorance is Bliss".

4. People who say something and do something else, the ones who believe that what applies to others doesn't apply to them are such hypocrites! I hate people with double standards.

5. People who lie, i know sometimes it becomes necessary to lie in order to save a situation, but then there are these set of people who perpetually lie about everything! Now that's a bit too much to tolerate.

6. People who talk in fake accents and behave as if they were never born or raised here. Why can't we embrace who we are? I don't feel the need to talk or behave like someone who i am not! I am proud of who i am & where i belong to.

7. People who are too selfish/self-centered and just can't think anything beyond themselves. They don't realise that if you don't think about others then tomorrow nobody will think for you.

8. I know some people who are so jealous of others that they totally forget to appreciate what they have in life. I really feel sorry for them coz they waste their whole life in being jealous and dissatisfied.

9. People who are disorganized/clumsy and always manage to make a mess of themselves and things around them totally turn me off. I don't think i need to say any more on this.

10. People who are evil and who will go to any extent to let someone down or harm somebody are the ones i absolutely detest. Makes me wonder, don't they have better things to do in life!

P.S. My day ended pretty fine and hope you all have a gr8 week ahead!!

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