Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

TGIF & Some More Ads....

Are you ready to take off for the weekend!! Not yet!? I am, coz i am on leave today and this does make me say "Thank God Its Friday!" Finally i get my much deserved long weekend for two reasons:

a) I have been slogging my a** out from the past one week, so much so that i didn't even have the time to use the loo when i wanted to!

b) Its my love's birthday on Saturday and i want to make the most of it, coz come September and he will be flying off to UK for his MBA. Sigh! *i have no idea how am i going to stay away from him for a whole god damn year!* :( :(

Anyways, i don't want to end this post on a sad and sulky note so here are some more interesting ads that i came across. Tell me which one do you like the most?

So here's me signing of for this week, here's wishing all of u a very happy weekend!

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