Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009

Ingrid Kansil Welcoming Holy Ramadhan !

Ingrid Kansilthis is the last day before Ramadhan!

Ingrid KansilI always have an Euphoria to celebrate!

Ingrid KansilAs Islam is my belief now!

Ingrid KansilAnd tonight we'll go to holat Tarawih in Jama'ah!

Ingrid KansilI always miss this kind of great moments!

Ingrid Kansil always comes with Euphoria when we talk about Ramadan Month, the Holy month ! As a converter to Islam, Ramadan becoming special, this is the good opportunity to make our Iman higher..to get closer to Allah SWT and to do something nice that everyday we less to do it ! Alhamdulillah...

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