Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

Entertaining Thyself!

Your Brain is Vivid

Your mind is a creative hotbed of artistic talent.

You're always making pictures in your mind, especially when you're bored.

You are easily inspired to think colorful, interesting thoughts.

And although it may be hard to express these thoughts, it won't always be.

You Are Wine

You are very naturally sexy and inviting. You don't have to try too hard.

The longer people spend time with you, the more drawn in they become.

You believe that seduction shouldn't be rushed, you like to savor every moment.

Going too fast kills the excitement. You like to indulge all of your senses.

The reason for the title of this post is, i am down with fever! And i have been asked to take rest. So instead of pouting and sulking i am thinking of different ways to keep myself distracted and entertained.

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