Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

Ingrid Kansil, a Cinderella Story...

Ingrid KansilWhere's your glass shoes ?

Ingrid KansilI prefer to wear Romans Shoes!

Ingrid KansilThis bag proudly bought in Bogor!

Ingrid KansilDo you like this Chinese Cinderella ?

Ingrid KansilAre you sure ? Just take a look at her again, closely !

Ingrid KansilNot to mention her nice and clean arm pit...

Ingrid Kansilremember, only up to 00.00 Midnight SHARP...otherwise you are just a poor girl!

The Mother Fairy has given her advise to this Chinese Cinderella, not to worry about her costume but to men. As the Royal Dancing tonight is going to be the biggest dancing party ever in Senayan ! Following the triumph of re-election of beloved KING !

This Time she doesn't wear a glass shoes but a gladiator-shaped ones ! Look nicer...go go..my Cinderella ! Get your Prince Charming tonight !

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