Senin, 27 Juni 2011

vintage finds

As you know, I am an avid lover {and collector} of old-fashion, vintage items {that including: tea cups, linens, etc. etc.} so when a flee market is held at a park somewhere, I become very excited to hunt for good deals on lovely, aged antiques.

I found this lovely spool of thread at the flee market on Friday {in a tangled mess of bits and pieces from a sewing basket}, and purchased it for only a quarter, which I thought was ironic because during that time era it was sold for $.25. :) I did a bit of research, and although I couldn't find any information about the Corticelli thread manufacturer, I saw that people were selling these spools for a good bit of money. I think I should like to start "collecting," these. :) They would be lovely decorum for a sewing room, don't you think?

There is something special about items that come from the early 1900's era. It's like when you hold an item passed down from generation that hadn't been lost, discarded, or extensively damaged, one can be transported to an era long gone by.

I also purchased this lovely...

Actually, I had been keeping my eye on it for awhile. Last time I asked the seller how much is the letter, she said, "Well, I must sell it to you for $12.00. You don't see things like this often with the envelope and all."

Indeed, you don't very often.
And I wanted it.
 But I choked at the price and ruefully shook my head.

On Friday, I wasn't surprised to see the letter was still there, as it had been, with the rest of the old postcards, and I asked one last time the price tag. I was ecstatic when she proposed only $4.00 and quickly purchased it.

The letter is dated back to September 22, 1900...over 100 years ago. 'T is sweet to read, for it is a letter from a little girl to a ill little boy living in Cleveland, Ohio.

Dear Chester; 
I thought perhaps you would like to hear from me so I thought I would write a letter. 

You must hurry and get well so that I can come over to see you and so you can get back to school. I missed you the first morning of school.

When you come back you will be in Miss McNealy's room. I think she will be glad when you come because I told her you wrote such nice compositions, she said she liked little boys that write nice stories. 

I received your letter when I was out west and was so glad to hear from you. I wanted to answer it but never got time because I was so busy. 

Your mamma wrote to me and told me you were quite thin. If you hurry and get fat I will bring my little brother over to your house to take your picture because he has a camera. 

Well, I will close now, with best wishes; that you will soon be well. 

                           Miss Schullian 

This is what I love about antique items: looking back on a simple thing in an era gone by, but a treasure, a legacy, a glimpse into everyday life in the Victorian era now. I hope that one day someone will find a bundle of old letters written by me and cherish them as much as I cherished penning them. 

Love always,

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