Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Joli cadeau français {what say you to a lovely french giveaway?}

Bonjour, my dearest readers! As you may remember, Jana the owner of the lovely Etsy shop The Shattered Princess {sponsor of my May Garden Party} has offered to give away yet another one of her lovely items. In fact, she has generously proposed to give away one item that she has made specially for my blog each month!   

She told me specifically that she likes to "dabble" with lace and trim in her spare time, but the results are so pretty and feminine that I am quite sure I would personally want to buy one. 

This month's item is so dainty and feminine: 

Are these Marie Antoinette notebooks not adorable?

Many MANY thanks to Jana for making these lovelies. 

here's how to enter

Required: You must complete the mandatory entry else extra entries will fail to count. 

Required: You must leave separate comments per entry you complete.

~mandatory entry~
{counting as one entry}

Visit Jana's lovely shop, and let me know what tickles your fancy. She has so many French, feminine things to choose from!

Once you have completed the required {mandatory} entry, here are some ways to gain extra chances to win: 

Tell me what your fondest summer highlights have been thus far or are soon to come. 

Tell me what your favorite time period{s} is. 

Heart Jana's shop

Add Jana to your Etsy circle. 

Follow this blog. {only if you want to:)} 

Follow my crafting blog

Follow my photography blog.

Purchase a petite item from "The Shattered Princess." 
{worth ten entries; leave ten comments, and of course, telling me what you purchased!}  

For those who do not own a blog:

{Required entry}

Let me know that you want to enter this giveaway.

{worth one entry}

Be sure to leave a way for me to contact you; you can leave your e-mailing address in a separate comment if you do not want me to publish it. 

Visit Jana's shop, and let me know what you like. 
{worth two entries; leave two separate comments}

E-mail three friends about this giveaway. 
{one entry per friend; leave three separate comments if you e-mail three friends}

Heart Jana's shop. 

Add Jana to your Etsy circle.

Facebook or Twitter about this giveaway. {one entry per thing you do} 
{only if you have an account, which by the way, I don't! :P}

Purchase something from Jana's shop.
{worth ten entries; leave ten separate comments}


Extra info. 

Giveaway open to international readers!!!

Again, leave separate comments per entry you complete. 

You must be a public follower {via Google Friends Connect} of my blogs to gain the entries.

Giveaway closes a week from to-day at 12:00 N Pacific Timing. 
{Late entries will not be accepted}

Hopefully, the winner will be announced later that afternoon.

Winner will have 48 hr. within their announcement to contact me with their e-mailing address, else a new winner will be selected. 

Winner will not be permitted to enter my next two upcoming giveaways. 


All right, ma petites, you may start typing....NOW!  

Avec beaucooup d'amour,  
{with much love}

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