"This is the story of how I died..." ~Flynn Rider
Yes, I have seen it, a few times actually and you know what?
I love it even more so every time I watch it over again.
For those who haven't yet had the opportunity of watching this beautiful fairytale, I highly encourage you to do so.
Might I just say...
I love it...a lot.
Everything, from Rapunzel's beautiful golden 70 ft. tresses of hair, to Flynn's smolder, Pascal's protectiveness, Mother Gothel's "Mother Knows Best," and of course, the frying pan.
It's enchanting, engaging, whilst cute and funny, and oh-so-whimsical. The animation is stunning, and the story is a clever twist to Grimm's original {might I say gory} fairytale. :P
"Listen, blondie -"
{pardon my spelling ;)}
I loved Rapunzel's free spirited, over-enthusiastic character. She's pretty and curious as any eighteen-year-old girl would if she had been stuck in a tower for basically all her life. She's a little naive and childish, but she is also a fighter when it truly counts and self-sacrificing for the ones she loves the most, as well as faithful and devoted.
"I love you very much."
"I love you more."
"I love you most."
Pastel, Rapunzel's pet "frog," :P is just amazing. He's funny and loving and so adorably cute!
"He's smiling at me. Why is the frog smiling at me?"
"You've got to know that this is the craziest thing I've ever done."~Flynn Rider
"Something brought you here. Call it what you will, fate, destiny -"
"A horse."
Yes, no one can forget the remarkable Maximus the horse. He's a majestic white horse that has more of a character like a sweet, loving dog.
Then who could forget the fierce-some band of rough-riding ruffians?
"I had a dream once."
{Click HERE to see whole song}
And of course, no one could possibly forget, the daring, adventurous, most-wanted thief of the kingdom...
Flynn Rider
He's clever and witty, sometimes a bit of a show off, but learns to love in the end.
"No, no, no! This is bad, this is very very bad...
They just can't get my nose right!"
"This is an off day for me, this usually doesn't happen to me."
Favorite highlights of the movie...
Just smell the grass! The dirt! Just like I dreamed they'd be.
Just fell that summer breeze - the way it's calling me
For like the first time ever, I'm completely free!
I could go running
And racing
And dancing
And chasing
And leaping
And bounding
Hair flying
Heart pounding
And splashing
And reeling
And finally feeling...
Now's when my life BEGINS!!!
These scenes {above and below} are SO magical!
The "I See the Light" scene, was simply lovely!
hehe...*cough, cough*
This scene makes me laugh...every time.
Maximus...yeah, what can I say? I LOVE him!:)
This is a cute video I also found...yes, it's a bit cheesy, but I love Flynn's expression and remarks...as usual. :)
"That settles it. I want one at the castle." *smile* Oh, yeah, my friend just got one, and it is settled...
I want one as well. :)
Back to the movie, overall it is a delightful, refreshing new take on the original Rapunzel story, beautiful in color and animation, and very clever and witty humor written in the script.
If you didn't get the point already...
"Go live your dream."
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