Senin, 15 November 2010

Sullen Skies

Doesn't this thought pop up in our mind so often?? It is indeed difficult to do what's right most of the times, at times it's a matter of choice between 2 or more options where u got to choose the right one. Life can spring up ugly surprises when u least expect it to and u got to make the most of what u have.

This weekend has been quite an eventful one for me. Saturday was a happy day for all of us as the date of wedding got fixed, finally. People who don't know what am i talking about plz read the 3 rd post on this page. Anyways, coming back to the weekend, Saturday was truly good, also coz i gave my lehenga choli for stitching...its being custom made for me. Everything from the color to the design is being done as per my preference.

Just when i was beginning to relish the feeling of a bride to be....Sunday morning started with a jolt. My mom's maasi called up and asked my mom to rush to our native place coz nani's serious and that if she doesn't go now it might get too late. We were totally shaken up by this news. We were planning to leave for Goa on Wednesday morning and come back on Sunday night but with this news coming in, everything changed. The to and fro tickets to Goa had to be cancelled in order to book fresh tickets for mom, who flew down to bbsr yesterday.

My nani has not been keeping well from the past one yr, she had fallen down an yr ago due to which she had to undergo a hip surgery. The recovery had been painfully slow and as she's in her late 70's, things are all the more difficult. She's been mostly bed ridden since then and her condition seems to be worsening with passing time. The worst thing is that the docs have given up saying that her brain cells are degenerating so fast that medicines can only help in slowing down the process to a certain extent.  

Why does god have to do this.....why can't he see me happy? I was so looking forward to this last trip to Goa with my parents. But i guess it was just not meant to be! I really want my grand ma to be around to shower her blessings on me for my wedding coz she's the only grand parent that i have. I'll be flying to bbsr on Wednesday, am on leave till Monday so i will try to make the most of the time that i have with her, until Sunday....It's heart breaking to realize what's happening to her and i don't know what will i do when i see her. I will be away from this space till Sunday...and i m not too sure what will i write once i am back. So till next time, this is me signing off.

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