Selasa, 09 November 2010

:( :( *Sniff Sniff*

I am feeling terrible...i dunno why do i have to act so immature and stupid at times!? Yes, i know i overreacted and the one who had to bear the brunt of it was you my sweetheart. :( Sorry love, i know i tend to take the liberty of going over board with emotions when i am upset or angry with u. I should have waited for things to clear up a bit....i just lost my cool, i think i need to practice taking some deep breaths when i get angry *tries to practice it right away* ok, will try that later. I dunno what to do to make myself feel better at the moment, coz the one word that describes what i feel is: Terrible!

I am becoming increasingly impatient with passing time....I want time to wait I want time to fly asap! I can't wait for that day in Feb when we will get married....I can't wait for UK VFS to give me the visa....I can't wait to go to London and start staying with u....I can't wait to cook for u and see the priceless expression on ur face...I can't wait to snuggle up with u on cold winter nights in one blanket....I can't wait to feel ur warm breath on my neck. And there's more, I can't wait to see all the new places in and around London with u....I can't wait to shop with u in London. :D

There's just so much that i am looking forward to and that's what making me impatient. I can hear the song "Be with you" by Enrique playing in my head. I want to be with u right now! Miss u truck loads....which one is more!? *looks confused* Anyways, forget it! Love u baby and i am really sorry for being so rude.

Your soon to be wife,

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