Senin, 08 November 2010

November's Simple Life

Dearest Readers~

Life has kept me quite busy, and has sadly not permitted me to update my blog posts. I apologize for that, and the lack of pictures. Either I am too lazy to use my mother's camera (which she has kindly allowed me to use whilst I am saving {and will be saving for a very long time} for the Nikon D5000 or the Canon Rebel!:) or I do not want to go through the hassle of the pictures coming out blurry. (I think it is perhaps both!:)
Please be patient with me, while there might be a lack of pictures for awhile (except during my Christmas event). I do so miss having a fairly good camera!:(

This past weekend has greatly much fatigued me! My little niece stopped by for a weekend visit, while her mother went to Sacramento for her best friend's baby shower. A five-year-old has so much energy, which can be both physically and emotionally straining, for I woke up this morn in a very disagreeable manner, and had been suffering a head ache for the most part of the day. Thankfully it has very much subsided. Dear, little Julia is a joy to entertain, but is, at times, very hard to manage!:D

Not only have I been watching my niece (who returned home late last evening), I have also been very busy preparing my Christmas ideas, finding tutorials, and emailing my sponsors for the giveaways. I am thinking of asking some of you who may be interested in sponsoring my giveaways, for I have emailed at least five companies and only four replied, and two of those replies turned down my offer!:(

I hope you have been having a cheerful autumn Monday!

Many Blessings to you all,

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