Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008

Soul Searching on a Sunday

Throughout centuries, story tellers, and people from different backgrounds and cultures have always referred to their fascination with meeting their soul mate some day. Is soul mate a myth? Do they really exist? Or is soul mate a figment of our own imagination that helps us to keep our hope for a perfect relationship alive. Or is it an escape for not handling or not looking at ourselves in such a way that we keep delaying our responsibilities and that things can be fixed once we meet our soul mate. So how do we define a soul mate? Most of us define soul mate as a life partner we're in love with, someone with whom we're connected spiritually and sexually. However i tried to find the dictionary meaning of soul mate and here's what i got "One of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view, or sensitivity and someone for whom you have a deep affinity."

Now, there are lots of people you share common interests with. You like the same music and hobbies, you hold similar jobs, you have the same sense of humor. Does that mean all these ppl are your soul mates? Perhaps no, a soul mate has all these attributes but represents a deeper, more spiritual connection. According to Greek mythology, our ancestors originally had two heads and four arms until they angered the gods and were split into two, condemning humans to a lifelong search for their soul mates. Maybe that's why so many of us are looking for someone to make us feel complete. So does destiny play a role in finding soul mates? I believe so. Some people say that everything happens for a reason, that things are preordained and that there is no such thing as coincidence. Others believe that we are all reincarnated and that our strongest spiritual connections are with people we've known in previous lives. It's often said that opposites attract, but true soul mates seem to think alike, share the same interests and have common values.

I don't intend to confuse any body by writing all this. What i want to ask through this post is:

1. Do you believe in soul mates? And if you do then what's your definition of a soul mate.

2. How do you know that this is the one for me?

3. Do u think that there can be more than one soul mates?

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