Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008

Lost Cause

Note: This post may seem silly to some, but please don't mock my emotions if u can't acknowledge or understand it.

This post is not about things that i wanted to do or about things that i regret not having done. Its about something that's very close to my heart. Life has been going on as usual and everything is the same except for one thing....I miss something that used to make me happy instantly....something or rather someone who used to make my worries disappear within seconds. No, I am not talking about my bf here, neither am i dating somebody else! I am talking about Shingi, a cute little dog who left our building few weeks back. :( And to think of it i wasn't even aware of it till recently my mom told me that her family had moved out of our building. I couldn't believe it...or should i say that i didn't want to believe it coz i had taken it for granted that she would always stay in this building. (At least as long as i was there)

Let me take you back to the time when i had seen her for the first time. Now don't laugh at me coz i am not talking about an ordinary dog here. She is a 2yr old Bigel, white and brown in color. She is the cutest and the most well behaved dog that i have come across till date. And what made here unique was the fact that she would never bark nor was she over friendly....She maintained her distance from you and would only come to you if she was comfortable in your company and if she felt that you liked her. I met her around 1 yr back, and back then i wasn't too fond of pets. But i could never resist her, she was so cute that i would always end up cuddling and stroking her. Soon she developed a liking for me but she would never show it directly. There was something striking about her, she was very obedient and she would never misbehave even when she was left in the open. She was pampered like anything and her owners treated her like their own child. I was not the only one who loved to see her taking her regular walks every evening, my mom and my sis-in-law were also very fond of her.

It really sad that i can never see her again, coz it is impossible for me to find out the whereabouts of her family in a vast city like Mumbai. What remains with me are her fond memories and the pics that i had clicked sometime back. I miss her a lot and i still imagine her taking walks in the evening....and i cuddling and stroking her like i always used to. She was the best pet one could have and i know life will never be the same again.....Miss u Shingy!! :( I never realized that i could love pets so much. I now plan to have a Bigel as a pet after i move into my own house post-marriage.

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