I have been tagged by Cess to list down the 5 things that i am addicted to. Sounds interesting, but when i sat down to think about it...i ended up really confused coz if i talk about being addicted, i m addicted to many things. But mebbe i can scan them and put up the top five here. So here i go:
1. I am addicted to music. I dunno what would i do without music. It soothes away all my worries and takes me to a different level of relaxation.

2. I am addicted to love. I feel the more love u get, the better. I feel lucky to hav ppl like my parents, my bf and my friends who love me so much. And i still feel the need to be loved more :)

3. I am totally addicted to my cell phone. I m so addicted to it that u will never find me without my mobile phone. (except when i am having a bath)

4. I am addicted to blogging. I feel incomplete if i don't check my blog at least once a day. And now that i have got so many lovely friends here its impossible for me to stay away from my blog for too long.

4. I am addicted to blogging. I feel incomplete if i don't check my blog at least once a day. And now that i have got so many lovely friends here its impossible for me to stay away from my blog for too long.

5. I am addicted to lead a happy and contended life. I know it sounds strange bcoz everybody says that they are happy. But what i mean by this is that i always seem to be at peace with myself and i don't believe in running in the mad rat race. I know everybody wants more money, more comfort and more material possessions but that doesn't mean that u stop living ur life. I believe in living in the moment and to be content with whatever i have.

And with this i come to the end of this tag. I feel its a very subjective one coz addictions may change from time to time so one can always come up with this tag and talk about their top 5 current addictions. :P What say ppl!? So tell me what did u do this weekend?
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