Jumat, 19 September 2008

Got Listed Again!

Its tag time guys. It�s been long since I did a tag�..so I guess this came at the right time. Btw I hav been tagged by Multi Menon. Thanks a lot friend.

1. What have you realized recently?

I have recently realized that in India, in order to grow professionally one needs to sit till late hours jus to please the boss!! It doesn�t matter whether u r doin any meaningful work or not.

2. Have you given your first kiss away

Yep I hav, and that was long long ago! :P

3. If you were be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 11 blog buddies that you would take?

Hmm now that�s an interesting question. Ok here comes the list along with the reasons:

1. Keshi (coz I bond beautifully with her)
2. Sneha (Solitaire � coz we need a psychologist like her to counsel us whenever reqd)
3. Kashmira (Aneri � coz she is very chirpy and cute)
4. SMM (coz she�s very straight forward and I like such ppl)
5. Mia (for her bindaas attitude�.)
6. Ankur (coz he�s one of the most genuine guys I hav come across in blogville)
7. Samby (for his die-hard spirit)
8. Vrij (coz v need somebody to update us on technology and trains) ;)
9. Buzz (coz I find him to b a nice guy)
10. Gunj (for being the feminist that she is)
11. Parul (coz she�s a wonderful mother and a very truthful person)

4. Where is the place you want to go the most?

Hmm as of now I wud love to go to Greece and Italy.

5. If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?

Tht wud b, to be happily settled with my hubby in a place where I cud live my life without any fear or apprehensions.

6. Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?

Yeah I do and may times I hav seen it too! I always believe in the saying that �Every cloud has a silver lining�

7. What are you afraid of losing the most now?

Its not jus abt now, its abt forever. I fear losing the ppl who mean the most to me. I don�t care abt the possessions tht I hav coz they r replaceable.

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?

I wud donate a portion of it to the needy. With the rest I wud buy a house and other things tht wud make my life with my hubby comfortable. And then I wud invest the rest for the future.

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?

Hmm not too sure abt it�coz I m not somebody who wud make the first move. But u never know if the connection is too strong then I might jus try hinting. Wudnt say it directly though.

10. List out 3 good points about the person who tagged you

A wannabe techie
A foodie and
A music addict
He he� thts all I knw of u as of now. :)

11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?

I don�t think I need to answer tht coz I hav already found �The One� for me and he�s perfect. Jus the way I had wanted him to be. :)

12. What type of people do you hate the most?

Well, I hav said tht before too�Hypocrites, selfish and mean ppl who jus don�t care abt anybody, ppl with double standards. I think thts it.

13. What is the one thing you can�t live without?


14. If you have faults, would you want the people around you to point them out to you or would you rather prefer that they keep quiet?

Hmm if I hav genuine ppl around me then I wud prefer tht they point it out to me coz I like honest ppl. On the other hand if there r fake ppl around then I wud not want to hear anything from them!

15. Are you a shopaholic?

Wrong question to b asked to a woman. Ofcourse yeah�..I mean if I hav the money then why not!

16. Find a word to describe the person who tagged you

Well, Multi Menon sure has a lot many avatars to show on his blog.

17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?

I wud prefer to be less emotional coz at times ppl tend to take undue advantage of it.

18. What�s the last shocking thing you�ve seen or heard?

The blasts tht rocked Delhi on 14th Sep�08. Can't say anything beyond this.

19. What you rather have love but no money or money but no love?

Who wud like to choose jus one of the two. It has to be both. But love definitely takes the precedence over money.

And now I come to the end of this tag and as always I m not tagging anyone. Why force somebody to answer these questions. Anyone game for it jus put a word and lemme know.

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