Rabu, 17 September 2008

The Good and The not so Good!

Today was an interesting day coz i got a chance to skip office. :) No i wasn't on leave.....i had gone to attend a training program on Advanced Excel. Yeah, i had very basic knowledge of excel so when i got the chance to attend this program organized by my company i grabbed it with both hands. Not only did i get to update my excel skills, i also got free by 5.45 p.m which is way too early by normal standards!! :D But the most irritating factor was tht i caught cold and kept sneezing thruout the first half of the day. I was slightly better off in the 2nd half of the day coz thankfully i was carrying medicines with me.

It got even more frustrating when i cudnt talk to my bf for the whole day!! I cudnt talk during the day coz i was in the training. And my bf was busy the whole evening.......so he called me only after 9 p.m and i was obviously fuming hot by then. Anyways, i dont want to crib abt this now. I better go and take some rest.....this stupid cold is makin my head so heavy tht i feel as if somebody has tied weights to it. May b its god's punishment to me coz i skipped office today. :( *Grrrr*

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