Minggu, 28 September 2008

"Questions & Answers"

Got tagged by Vrij to do this really interesting tag. Although initially i had no idea as to how to go about it. But i got all the answers to my questions on Solitaire's blog Warm Fuzzies. So here i go with my set of questions:

1. What's Ceedy to you?

A. He's a friend on blogger and he has recently started reading my blog.

2. Name something you have in common with Keshi?

A. Hmm i will need a lot of space to write what we hav in common. Ok for starters both of us r cancerian babes, both of us r very emotional, v think a lot, both of us love John (lol)....and the list goes on!!

3. Do you do anything special with Kashmira?

A. Nope i wudnt like to do tht coz
1) She's married
2) I m straight!! :)

4. Describe yourself in one word.

A. Well thats an interesting question. The answer wud be "Cute". :)

5. Do you love Keshi?

A. Yes but just as a friend! And besides i m straight and i hav a bf! :P

6. If Keshi played in a movie, what kind of character would she play?

A. Hmm i think she would really fit well in movies like "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider". What say Keshi?

7. If you could do anything with Mia, what would it be?

A. As of now i wud jus want to meet her since she stays in Mumbai too! There cant b anything more to it coz i m straight! :) (Why m i being asked such questions time and again!!)

8. What do you think about Vrij?

A. He's a witty guy, he's a loving hubby and he's a good dentist. (wud prefer testimonials from his patients for saying this though) ;)

9. Who does SMM like?

A. Her husband who else can it b!? Lemme know if u differ with my answer babe. :P

10. What musical instrument would Sneha most likely play?

A. The violin. Somehow feel that it suits here character. :)

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