Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

July's Simple Life

Hello, dear readers!!! I thought all of you might enjoy a glimse of my daily life of July!

I am attempting to read Jane's Austen's Emma, but just like the main character (I have seen the movie:), I sometimes cannot so simply grasp onto the dialog of the character. Such romantic eloquence is so complex (am I getting the Jane Austeny feel yet *wink*), but I do wish that I could speak so beautifully. Introducing, my cat, Lily Rose O'Malley S. (Not revealing my last name; sorry). I had a difficult time having her pose for me, but with a little coaxing (that means cheese=) I finally got her to stand still. Well, only for a moment!

And, I think it high time that I show you my garden! Our tomatoes are finally ripening! This is the first year in awhile that we have planted tomatoes.

Roma tomatoes....

Remember the post that I wrote back earlier in February about my herb garden? Well, here is a picture of my box of the oldest herbs I have. These herbs have survived each year, since the first year I planted my herb garden. (From left to right: thyme, chives, sage, parsley). It's not an ugly mound of dirt right now:). My third batch of carrots are sprouting. Just plant them in a warm climate and give them water, and voila! They should sprout in no time! Here is my second crop of carrots: I am still letting them grow. Had to put them on another pot so the bunny would not munch on it; for awhile there he could hop into my herb garden and have a feast of carrot tops! :) He still eats grass, rose leaves, sometimes the cedar bush, carrot tops, basil, parsley, oregano, another bush that looks like yarrow, and occasionally I will see him munching on some spearmint (he probably wants to freshen his breath after eating so much!:).

I am also thinking of hosting a short story contest. I do not have everything thought out yet, but I know this:

The story you are to write will be based upon one of your favourite art pieces. For example, I am writing a short-story called The Keeper of the Garden, and it is about the young girl in the picture that posed for John Waterhouse. On my sidebar, it is the picture labeled, "Gathering Flowers in an English Garden." Will give details soon, but first, tell me what you think. I do also know that there probably will not be a physical prize, since I just finished my other giveaway and do not have much money to spend. Then again, I am coming up on my 100th post soon enough! :)

Hope you are having a joyous day filled with the many blessings of summertime!

Love from your Sister in Christ,

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