Selasa, 06 Juli 2010


Just sitting at home and chilling is fun only when u are not sick!! Yeah the flu bug has bit me once took an off from work today. Took these random quizzes at and likes the results of these two, can relate to these results quite a bit. So how's your Wednesday going so far??

Your Soul Is Connected to the Summer

You are the type of person who isn't content to let life pass by. You truly believe that life is for the living.

You are outgoing and friendly. You enjoy being around other people, and you're the first one to say "yes" to a social event.

You don't take anything too seriously, and you're known as a bit of a flirt. You feel best when you make other people feel good.

You are happy with the life you are given, even if it isn't much. You are content to bask in the sunlight.

Your Life Will Be Calm in Ten Years

You're the type of person who takes things as they come, and you do your best not to worry.

You know that there's a lot in this world that you can't change - and you're not about to try to change it.

You are confident and content. You don't feel like you need to push too hard.

Try to break out of your comfort zone every now and then, though. Have an adventure! You are risking complacency.

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