Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Modest Fahion Week Days 1 & 2

I am so sorry that I did not post about Modest Fashion Week yesterday! I felt really bad! Yesterday was my graduation ceromony, then I slept over at my friend's house sort of unexpectedly and I could not upload pics there. Well, to-day I can make up for it.
Here's what I wore to-day:

(Pictures all edited by Picnik)

I wore a SO company T-shirt that I had purchased from Koals,

a pair of brown Arizona shorts,

and Air Walks sandals puchased at Payless. I put my hair in a boring ponytail.Sorry I did not wear a skirt. I did not want to pack one for fear of wrinkling it:). To-morrow I am attending a pool birthday party and will probably be wearing a pair of capris. :( But after that, I shall be wearing skirts and dresses!
On Monday, which was my graduation day (as I said before) I wore this:

Dress came from Macy's (and it was on sale!!!),

shoes came from Payless (you see shop there alot:),

and clip came from art fair and arranged my hair by curling my bangs with the flat iron and put my hair in a half ponytail with the clip.

I wore my sparkly clip which was the flowery thing of the day!

Again, I apologize for not posting this yesterday!

Hope all of you are greatly blessed this evening.

Love always,

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