Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

And the Winner of my Second Giveaway Is....

Hello again, readers!!! Okay, I was so excited about the giveaway that I cannot help but reveal to you the winner to-night, yes, you heard me TONIGHT!!!! First of all I want to thank all of you who entered!!! And secondly, I will host another giveaway quite soon I hope:) (Any suggestions on what I should make?) And thirdly:
CONGRATULATIONS to the winners!!!!
Okay, enough of the rambling and just get onto who the winner are, Grace!!!!
Well, we have tonight two lovely winners:
Our first winner of the lovely pink, hand-crocheted soap bag, blue crocheted flower, and lavender soap is.....
*drum roll please*
Johanna from An Old-Fashion Girl!!!!!! Congratulations, dear friend!!! I have your address, so I will mail it to you in my next letter! I am so happy for you!!!! (At one time you said you never won any giveaways, well, you have won one of mine:)
The next winner for the three lovely hand-crocheted flowers is....
Shana from Heirs of Grace!!!! Congratulations, Shana!!!! Just leave your email address for me on this post please (I will not publish it). I am so excited for you!!!!Well, as I said before, I hope to host another giveaway very soon! I would love to give everyone a prize, but alas, there were only two!!!!
Hope everyone is having a peaceful and lovely evening!

Love from your sister in Christ,

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