Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

A Li'l Bit of Me!!

Today wasn't such a good day. I am not saying this coz i had a bad experience or something, its jus that the day passed by very slowly and i was feeling very dull and sluggish through!! Anyways, i am glad that i m done with the day and have some great plans for the weekend. Planning to see "Straight" starring Vinay Pathak and Gul Panag tomorrow and i also plan to catch up with my best friend after a long time. So Saturday's gonna be packed with action! :)

That's about it for now, i somehow feel there's been a strange lull in blogville off late! Most of the ppl have either taken a break or have left blogging altogether. And this include some of my very dear friends, i am sure i won't be able to name all of them but yeah i do miss Keshi a lot. A lot of ppl here know that we were jus like twins! I dunno why but there was this strange connection that i felt with her. And i feel a void a lot many times and her absence jus becomes way too obvious. I hope she gets back soon, and i also hope that all my friends who are on a break get back soon coz i really miss them!! :( :(

Ok, now i don't want to end this post on a sad note so i took this fun and interesting quiz which was suggested to me by Xh. U'll find all the details on his page, its a nice way of discovering urself. So take this quiz and lemme know how close do u find urself with the analysis. Here is my result:

Click to view my Personality Profile page

And this thing down there describes my personality type:


Does not like being alone, thinks life has purpose/meaning, organized, values organized religion, outgoing, social, does not like strange people/things - likely intolerant of differences, open, easy to read, dislikes science fiction, values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits, group oriented, follows the rules, affectionate, planner, regular, orderly, clean, finisher, religious, consults others before acting, content, positive, loves getting massages, complimentary, dutiful, loving, considerate, altruistic.

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