Senin, 16 Maret 2009

Annoying Alarm Clocks

Some interesting innovations which are here to ruin our sleep -

#10 Climbing clock: It hangs above your head and starts climbing while it rings. Don't wake up fast enough, and you won't be able to shut it up without a ladder.

# 9 Wake Up Puzzle: You have to build the puzzle to make stop the alarm!

# 8 Wake or Curse: You can ask it what the time is and it will answer. But if you don't wake up quickly enough it will curse you.

# 7 High Tech: This one has a vibrator, 95 db alarm and police style rotating light that you cannot ignore.

# 6 Find The Pin: You need find the right pin to stop it's ringing. Not going to stay sleepy after this mission.

# 5 Chicken and Egg Problem: The egg laying alarm clock. It will only quiet down after you put all the eggs back.

# 4 GI Joe: You will wake to the sound of your commander's wake up call. Better not mess with it!

# 3 Floating Around: Will float around the room until you'll catch it.

# 2 Kaboom:
This acoustic grenade will wake the neighborhood with it's ultra loud sound level.

# 1 Hide and Seek: The winner is the hide and seek alarm clock. Once it begins to ring it falls down on the floor and finds a random place to hide. Chase it down or else you're doomed.

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