Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

I Don't Do Mornings....

The best way of getting rid of Monday Morning Blues is simple, to take the day off! :P Well, that's exactly what i did today. :) I wasn't quite feeling like it right from yesterday evening. I dunno about others but i often get these vibes which tell me whether to go to work or not on a certain day. Most of the times i manage to drag myself to work, but on days like today i just listen to my heart & take an off. 

And i am only glad that i stayed back at home today as it's been raining since morning. I just love to laze around at home on such days, stepping out in the Mumbai rains is something that i wouldn't prefer to do, unless of course there's something urgent that requires my attention. And I know that my office can definitely function without me on this one day. :D 

By the way I have been reading "The Lost Symbol" since Saturday, it's been good so far, although i did find a lot of similarities between this and "Angels & Demons". I like the writing style of Dan Brown never the less, so the next on my list are "Deception Point" & "The Digital Fortress". Okay people that's it from me now, signing off on a not so gloomy Monday. Hope you guys have a gr8 Monday. :) 

P.S. People bored on a Monday morning can go and read the post below or still better take it up and do it. 

Much Love,

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