I am back after a brief hiatus!! The trip was good but very hectic at the same time. Squeezed in a lot of things in this short trip, read on to know more.
27th June, 2009:
Reached Bhubaneswar and rushed to meet my grand mom in the hospital. She recently went thru a surgery for a broken hip coz she fell a couple of days back while doing puja. Its been two months since, and the docs are still not sure how long is it goin to take for the bone to heal. So till then she is goin to be bed ridden. I hope she recovers soon!!
28th June, 2009:
There were a whole lot of pre-wedding activities, and this included long hours of puja and havan. Don't ask me about it, coz i dint get a thing of it!! Pardon me, coz i m really bad at these customs and traditions....dunno wht will i do when the time comes for my wedding...I m not even thinking about it now. I tried to help my sister in packing a whole lot of things which she was supposed to take to her in-law's place. If u ask me, all of this looked so scary to me tht i m thinking of stalling my wedding next year!! :P
29th June, 2009:
The wedding went well, but the time for the pheras was 2 a.m. in the morning!! So imagine my plight in a heavy ghagra running from one end to the other with a handy cam...it was tiresome, and i was awake the whole night of 29th as everything ended only at 6.30 in the morning. I was going back to sleep at a time when everybody around was waking up!!
30th June, 2009:
Still recovering from the wedding hangover....woke up at 12.15 p.m!! Wanted to sleep the whole day but cudnt do so coz i had other commitments too. The most important one was lunch at my future mother-in-law's place. So i went their with my parents and i can't even begin to tell u what a spread of dishes had she prepared for us. And since i hadn't had breakfast in the morning, i was more than willing to hog (don't remind me of the calories consumed). The food was delectable and i had a gr7 time with my mil and Varun, my future brother-in-law. :) I have literally seen him grow up and i can't imagine that he's doing his engineering now. He's quite unlike his brother (Kartik), and i often tell Kartik tht, i wonder how on earth is he ur brother....trust me guys they aren't even remotely alike!!
The last 3 days, (read 1st,2nd and 3rd July) were nothing but trips to the hospital to see grand mom and a couple of more meals here and there. Last but definitely not the least i met Anwesa and her equally cute sister on 2nd evening, had a gr8 time with the two sisters as we chatted continuously over coffee at Cafe Coffee Day (read her post to know more). And before i cud even realise the trip had come to an end! Mom stayed back to spend some more time with here mother (grand mom). So here i am back in Mumbai sans my mom, i m missing her already.... :( :(

In the meantime, things that i missed were Keshi's b'day (although i had wished her thru an e-card). And the biggest of all, MJ's sad demise from this world!! I know, quite a few posts have been written on him already. But i guess its still not enough, he's left a gaping hole in the music industry and he will always be remembered for the person he was and for the wonderful music that he created. His music touched millions of souls and it will always remind us of him....
27th June, 2009:
Reached Bhubaneswar and rushed to meet my grand mom in the hospital. She recently went thru a surgery for a broken hip coz she fell a couple of days back while doing puja. Its been two months since, and the docs are still not sure how long is it goin to take for the bone to heal. So till then she is goin to be bed ridden. I hope she recovers soon!!
28th June, 2009:
There were a whole lot of pre-wedding activities, and this included long hours of puja and havan. Don't ask me about it, coz i dint get a thing of it!! Pardon me, coz i m really bad at these customs and traditions....dunno wht will i do when the time comes for my wedding...I m not even thinking about it now. I tried to help my sister in packing a whole lot of things which she was supposed to take to her in-law's place. If u ask me, all of this looked so scary to me tht i m thinking of stalling my wedding next year!! :P
29th June, 2009:
The wedding went well, but the time for the pheras was 2 a.m. in the morning!! So imagine my plight in a heavy ghagra running from one end to the other with a handy cam...it was tiresome, and i was awake the whole night of 29th as everything ended only at 6.30 in the morning. I was going back to sleep at a time when everybody around was waking up!!
30th June, 2009:
Still recovering from the wedding hangover....woke up at 12.15 p.m!! Wanted to sleep the whole day but cudnt do so coz i had other commitments too. The most important one was lunch at my future mother-in-law's place. So i went their with my parents and i can't even begin to tell u what a spread of dishes had she prepared for us. And since i hadn't had breakfast in the morning, i was more than willing to hog (don't remind me of the calories consumed). The food was delectable and i had a gr7 time with my mil and Varun, my future brother-in-law. :) I have literally seen him grow up and i can't imagine that he's doing his engineering now. He's quite unlike his brother (Kartik), and i often tell Kartik tht, i wonder how on earth is he ur brother....trust me guys they aren't even remotely alike!!
The last 3 days, (read 1st,2nd and 3rd July) were nothing but trips to the hospital to see grand mom and a couple of more meals here and there. Last but definitely not the least i met Anwesa and her equally cute sister on 2nd evening, had a gr8 time with the two sisters as we chatted continuously over coffee at Cafe Coffee Day (read her post to know more). And before i cud even realise the trip had come to an end! Mom stayed back to spend some more time with here mother (grand mom). So here i am back in Mumbai sans my mom, i m missing her already.... :( :(

In the meantime, things that i missed were Keshi's b'day (although i had wished her thru an e-card). And the biggest of all, MJ's sad demise from this world!! I know, quite a few posts have been written on him already. But i guess its still not enough, he's left a gaping hole in the music industry and he will always be remembered for the person he was and for the wonderful music that he created. His music touched millions of souls and it will always remind us of him....
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