Hi ppl! I had a good weekend.....actually if i had to dissect my weekend i would say Sunday was far better....coz i was at work for most of the day on Saturday and after that i cud just squeeze in enough time for my salon pampering session. :) That certainly made me feel better! Sunday was usual with a movie and lunch wrapped up together. This time i and my guy watched "Quantum of Solace". I haven't seen any of the earlier bond movies, so don't ask me how it was coz i found it just fine. Nothing too gr8 for me to gush about and recommend it to all of you. Anyways, lunch was as always nice and we tried out a new restaurant again like we always do! :)
Ok, now there's something more than this that i want to write about here. I am going to share a few pics which most of u guys might have seen as an e-mail forward. But for those who haven't go ahead and have a look.

Yes these are the pics of the "Brangelina Family". Aren't they cute? Well definitely....the new born twins look so sweet and innocent. And the credit goes to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie for sure, no wonder these pics fetched them $14 mn!! I dunno when did this trend of auctioning started but it's definitely a gr8 way to earn quick money. Atleast these are pics of cute babies, there are other bizarre things that i have heard of being auctioned for millions of dollars. Things like the shaved hair of Britney Spears (eww...what would someone do with it), the inner wear of Whitney Houston (who would want to wear used under garments), underpants of Michael Jackson......and the list goes on!! I just can't understand who buys these things and how do people agree to buy such kinda things for astronomical amounts of money! Do these people have so much money that they just don't mind wasting it on buying such things......and if they really do have so much of money to waste then how about wasting some money in the name of charity. On one hand we have people who can waste money for no rhyme or reason and on the other hand we have people dieing of hunger and poverty every single day. This is the kind of disparity that i have always disliked......and one just can't over look such things and live on. What's your take on this matter.......Is it right for people to auction their most private moments in order to earn quick money? And is it right on the part of people to actually go ahead and buy these items for huge sums of money? Which of these according to you is morally wrong and why?
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