Senin, 07 Juli 2008

Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na.....

Went to watch Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na yesterday with my guy. Seriously speaking i wasn't expecting anything from this movie coz i had no expectations from Imran Khan, and i felt that he was a bit too hyped jus bcoz he's Aamir's relative! But i m glad i dint find anything similar between the two. Imran, i wud say is like a breath of fresh air.....he's got a very boy next door kinda look, no body-shody and no oozing sex appeal. But he's really cute and he brings back a certain amount of innocence which is slowly disappearing from the industry these days coz today everybody comes with rippling muscles and acting lessons et al. What i liked about him was that he was very natural although i wont say that he was absolutely flawless. But still i liked the way he played the character of Jay Singh Rathore. Now coming to Genelia, i hav never really liked her as an actress as such....but surprisingly she's also played her character (Aditi) very effortlessly. The supporting cast is also good....anybody who has seen the movie can vouch for that....i especially liked Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak Shah. The songs are nice and different (A.R Rahman shows his versatility once again) , my personal favories are Kabhi Kabhi Aditi (nice n peppy), Kahin To Hogi (very soulful) and Pappu Can't Dance (mindless fun). All in all a very refreshing film, i wont say that the story is very unusual or anything of that sorts, its a very simple story which revolves around a group of friends and their lives. So a very happy, cute, college romance is what i can term this movie as and it definitely puts a smile on ur face when u r leaving the cinema. :-) I am glad tht i chose this movie instead of Lovestory 2050. No comments on the latter coz i m i hav heard mixed reviews about it. So if anybody of u hav seen it do share ur thoughts on the same. And ppl who saw this movie lemme knw hw do u feel abt it?

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