Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

Congratulations its a tag!

I got tagged by Vrij and enjoyed doin it thoroughly so here it is.

I am: a no nonsense kinda cute and loving girl. *batting eyelashes*

I think: too much!! My guy can vouch for this one.

I know: that I can do so much more in life, but i m too lazy to make that effort!

I want: all my loved ones to be happy, and a lot many things....which is difficult to mention here.

I have: lots and lots of love and compassion in me and i like that in me!

I wish: that people dint hate each other and kill others in the name of religion or any pretext for that matter.

I hate: double standards, hypocrites, ppl with too much of an attitude.

I miss: my grandpa coz i had so much to learn from him but god dint give me the time to do so :*(

I fear: death and anything that gives rise to an unpleasant atmosphere.

I feel: that v can do a lot more than what v do coz v humans hav a habit of underestimating ourselves!

I hear: "I Love You" from my guy every time he calls me and that makes my day....

I smell: good at any given point of time coz i love perfumes and deos. Btw i hav quite a delectable collection of them.

I crave: to go on a vacation right away! I m jus so bored of routine.

I search: for the answers of the innumerable questions tht keep comin in my mind every now and then.

I wonder: if i can ever see the whole world! (coz i really want to c as many places as possible)

I regret: nothing so far, coz i hav this policy of havin no regrets in life!

I love: my family and my honey, my one and only bf.

I ache: at the sight of people and their sufferings.

I am not: diplomatic, shrewd, complicated.... (jus not in my system)

I believe: i can fly.....dint know wht it meant, jus said it coz i like tht phrase.

I dance: to rewind and to enjoy the music i m listening to.

I sing:most of the times coz i love music.....and once upon a time i wanted to bcome a singer!

I cry: a lot....anything can make me cry (doesnt matter whether its a sad thing or a happy occasion)

I don�t always: listen to what ppl tell me.

I fight: with my mom and bf the most!

I write:on my blog to de-stress and express myself.

I win: most of the times while arguing with my guy.

I lose: my mind when i dont like what i m seeing.

I never: like to be in tricky situations. (i m sure nobody likes to)

I always: give the "best of me" to everything that matters to me.

I confuse: myself most of the times!

I listen: to whatever my mom says coz she has an excellent judgment.

I can usually be found: at my office or my home. Where else can i be!

I am scared: of losing things that mean a lot to me.

I need: loads and loads of love from everybody.

I am happy about: the fact that i hav ppl like my parents and my guy in my life. I so absolutely love them.

I imagine: me and my bf as a 60 yr old couple sittin and reminiscing the old times. (i find tht so totally romantic)

I tag:No one. As usual i want ppl who liked this tag to do it on their own!

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