Selasa, 18 Maret 2008

Review - 10,000 B.C

Caught with this movie last weekend.Frankly speaking i din't have too many expectations from this movie,all i had in mind was that it must be about life in those times and yeah i knew that there will be plenty of special effects coz those huge mammoths cud b seen every so often in the trailers on tv.The movie talks about the journey of the central character; D'leh to get the person, Everlet who he loves so dearly.She is captured by pirates and the whole movie circles around the journey which encompasses all kinds of terrains starting from land covered in snow to the end of the movie the one thing that baffled everybody was why was the movie called 10,000 B.C coz at the end of the day its a lovestory!!But yeah the only thing tht was different was the whole setup and the costumes.So all in all i really dunno if i shud recommend this movie or not.But one thing tht i quite liked was the special effects.So if there's no other movie to watch one can see this movie but i personally wudn't like to watch it again.

Final Verdict: Ok for a one time watch.

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