Jumat, 25 Januari 2008

My entry into the world of blogging

I have often wondered why is it that people choose to blog. Is it because they want to be heard? Is it because they want to vent out their emotions in an anonymous environment, or is it simply because they want to express themselves! whatever the reason may be, what i wanted to do was to understand was the reason why i want to blog. So one can say that i was trying to find out my own reason by looking at the reasons of other people! But i guess it din't help much because my reason to blog stems from a completely different bent of mind. I may not be a blogger whose language is impeccable but i do have a thinking mind and since i think so much i found it ideal to start my own blog. Initially i used to be content with my little diary which i write on a daily basis but as the horizon of my thoughts has increased in the past few years, i needed something that had no word limit, and hence my decision to blog. Now let me think.....what is it that i want to say to my fellow bloggers.....well, one can expect the unexpected from my blog as i think a lot....the topics that i choose can be equally random. It may vary from an entry on space to a topic that can be extremely abstract.But i am least likely to reveal about my personal life because that is only my little diary's daily entitlement. So as of now i wish myself Happy Blogging! and i hope people around me wish me the same as well.

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