Kamis, 30 September 2010

Interview with Miss Samantha from Simple Delights!

Good day, dear readers! How good it was of you to stop by on this lovely sunny day!

To-day's interview is with a very creative young lady and is nearly always posting a new craft she is currently working on!
I do not really know how I stumbled upon Miss Samantha's blog, but I must say that I have enjoyed each of her posts ever since I started following her!:)

~~~~~~The Interview~~~~~~

Grace: What inspired you to start a blog and how long have you been blogging?

Miss Samantha: To be totally honest, the main reason I started my blog was because I loved all of the cute layouts and backgrounds bloggers were offered! Silly, I know, but that is why. Since then I have "matured" (smile) a little and have had lots of fun writing for my blog, not just changing the backgrounds. I started my blog mid-February last year.

Grace: What is the most enjoyable part about blogging?

I love meeting so many other young ladies who share similiar interests as I. Though we've never physically met each other, I feel like I've know many of these girls for a long time. Everyone is so encouraging, friendly and sweet and it has been a joy getting to "know" each and every one of my followers.

Grace: What are readers most likely to find at your blog?

My readers will find recipes, tags, pictures, articles on historic clothing, and more. I hope to soon add movie reviews from a Christian perspective, Bible memory verse of the Week, recipe contests, and more.

Grace: One word that describes your personality and why?

Miss Samantha: Definitely Creative! I am the family crafter, party planner, decorater, card maker, etc!!

Grace: Give us a little insight into your life.

Miss Samantha: Each morning I try to be up by 7:30/8:00. I read the Bible and do morning routines until 9:00 when I try to start school ( I don't always make that goal, but I am working on it!). I work on school until lunchtime, unless it is Monday or Wednesday, when I work as a piano accompanist for a few hours at a local middle school. On those days I just fit in my schoolwork wherever I can! Otherwise I usually finish up school by 2:30 and practice my piano, blog, spend time outside, etc. until dinnertime, when my sister and I usually help our mom get dinner together. After dinner we spend time as a family reading, watching movies, doing devotions, etc.

Grace: What are some of your hobbies/interests?

Miss Samantha: I love to play the piano, craft, blog, read, spend time out of doors and cook/bake.

Grace: Tell us a little about your walk with Christ.

Miss Samantha: I am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ. I have been saved since a young age, but it wasn't until the last few year that I have really grown in my understanding of God's love and what it means to be Christian. I still have a long way to go, but I serve a mighty God who never gives up on me and will always strengthen me for the journey ahead.

Thank you so much for allowing me to interview you, Samantha!

Now, dear readers, do visit Miss Samantha's blog, for I know you will enjoy her dear posts!

Many Blessings,

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The Spring Summer 2011 collection from Burberry’s  it is very urban, young and quite simple.This  collection remains faithful to the traditionally Burberry. Leather pants, and leggings, and short dresses, are just some of the many Fall trends that will continue into Spring and Summer.

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Not just Gyaan

A beautiful write up by Shakuntala Devi, something that I just had to share here. 

I received a message on my Friendster account the other day. It was one of those forwarded messages, the type I would usually scan briefly before hitting "delete". 

But this message, written in Bahasa Malaysia, started with a simple question that caught my attention, a rough translation of it goes like this: 

"Have you ever watched your parents asleep? Your father's body once big and strong but now, the big is withered and the strong weakened. Wisps of grey peek out of his hair, wrinkles now "scar" on his forehead and face." 

"This man works hard every day and would sacrifice anything to make sure his family is provided for and his children get the best education possible." 

"Or what about your mother, whose soft hands once cuddled and held you close when you were a baby? Now, those hands are dry and rough, bearing evidence of the challenges she faced just for us." 

"This woman takes care of our daily needs, constantly nagging and scolding us because of her love for us. But sadly, we often miscontrue her love as control and unfairness." 

I have never thought of watching my parents while they slept. I've watched my cousins sleep when they were babies, all round and cuddly and sweet smelling. But watch my parents? No way! 

But after reading this message, I realised that there is indeed much truth in it. In fact, my parents don't have to be asleep for me to realise that they have aged. 

Just looking at my mother walk tells me that her legs are not as strong as they were before. Or hearing her ask me to help with that flower pot in the garden, the one she used to push and drag around the garden without my help. 

Or watching my dad lift a 10kg bag of rice. I can easily carry that now, I am young. But to him, it is a struggle. 

What do all these observations tell me? Yes, my parents have aged. They are ageing, as I am ageing. But as I age towards my best years and become stronger, they in turn are becoming weaker. They were once the care giver and I the receiver. In time, I know our roles will reverse. Like it or not, want it or not, this is life. 

I suppose I have always subconsciously thought that my parents would always be with me, never growing old. It took that message to make me realise that my parents are not immortal. That they, too, will one day leave the world and me. Until then, I will make good use of our time together. 

I hope all the children who complain about their parents get to read this before its too late. Go ahead and spread the message to everybody you know, remind them to appreciate what they have now because it will not last.

Have a loved and cherished weekend all of you!! 


Not just Gyaan

A beautiful write up by Shakuntala Devi, something that I just had to share here. 

I received a message on my Friendster account the other day. It was one of those forwarded messages, the type I would usually scan briefly before hitting "delete". 

But this message, written in Bahasa Malaysia, started with a simple question that caught my attention, a rough translation of it goes like this: 

"Have you ever watched your parents asleep? Your father's body once big and strong but now, the big is withered and the strong weakened. Wisps of grey peek out of his hair, wrinkles now "scar" on his forehead and face." 

"This man works hard every day and would sacrifice anything to make sure his family is provided for and his children get the best education possible." 

"Or what about your mother, whose soft hands once cuddled and held you close when you were a baby? Now, those hands are dry and rough, bearing evidence of the challenges she faced just for us." 

"This woman takes care of our daily needs, constantly nagging and scolding us because of her love for us. But sadly, we often miscontrue her love as control and unfairness." 

I have never thought of watching my parents while they slept. I've watched my cousins sleep when they were babies, all round and cuddly and sweet smelling. But watch my parents? No way! 

But after reading this message, I realised that there is indeed much truth in it. In fact, my parents don't have to be asleep for me to realise that they have aged. 

Just looking at my mother walk tells me that her legs are not as strong as they were before. Or hearing her ask me to help with that flower pot in the garden, the one she used to push and drag around the garden without my help. 

Or watching my dad lift a 10kg bag of rice. I can easily carry that now, I am young. But to him, it is a struggle. 

What do all these observations tell me? Yes, my parents have aged. They are ageing, as I am ageing. But as I age towards my best years and become stronger, they in turn are becoming weaker. They were once the care giver and I the receiver. In time, I know our roles will reverse. Like it or not, want it or not, this is life. 

I suppose I have always subconsciously thought that my parents would always be with me, never growing old. It took that message to make me realise that my parents are not immortal. That they, too, will one day leave the world and me. Until then, I will make good use of our time together. 

I hope all the children who complain about their parents get to read this before its too late. Go ahead and spread the message to everybody you know, remind them to appreciate what they have now because it will not last.

Have a loved and cherished weekend all of you!! 


Rabu, 29 September 2010

More Giveaways!!!!

Miss Ellie over at The Beggar Who Gives Alms is hosting an AMAZING giveaway (actually many giveaways!) that you will not want to miss! Visit by clicking on the button below

(Now you see why I'm not hosting a giveaway at the moment....there are just so many to enter!:)

My 130th Post and Future Plans!

Dearest Readers,

This is my 130th post!!!

Well, I was promising you a giveaway, but seeing as how SO many giveaways are being held at this time (in celebration of fall), I think I will be postponing it for a little while. And besides, I want to have a really big post for my 150th which is only 20 posts away!;) So here's what I am keeping in mind:

1. A giveaway of course:)

2. Around the beginning of December/end of November (just a little before Christmastime) I want to host a blog party called an Old Fashion Christmas, where young ladies can post their present handmade Christmas projects on their blogs (and tutorials would be amazing!), so other ladies (who are stumped when it comes to handmade presents) can get ideas of what to make! I am also thinking of hosting another giveaway at the end of that event. However, that's a long ways from now (but approaching quickly:).

3. In January, (I know it's thinking REALLY ahead) I want to do something like what Eden from 'Growing in Him' does during the autumn season, by sending hand crocheted/knit scarves and hats to children in other countries only I will be sending them to China! (Note: I want to do it after the busyness of the holidays subside)
My family is all ready connected with a group in China, and we know a girl about my age (I think a little older) over there. You, dear readers, would join me in making crochet or knit hats and scarves, and my homeschool group friends could help too. The homeschool girls who do not know how to knit or crochet could get together with the girls who knew how, and it could be like lessons, but the projects we make will be going to a good cause!!!

Anywho, I do hope that all of you are having a simply lovely day!

Many Blessings,
Grace (The girl who is seriously thinking ahead:)

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The transparent pregnant blouse of BCL (BB21)

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Selasa, 28 September 2010

The Power of Punctuation

An English professor wrote the words:

"A woman without her man is nothing"
on the blackboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.

All of the males in the class wrote:
"A woman, without her man, is nothing." 

All the females in the class wrote:
"A woman: without her, man is nothing."

Did you realise what difference can a punctuation mark make to a sentence.

The Power of Punctuation

An English professor wrote the words:

"A woman without her man is nothing"
on the blackboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.

All of the males in the class wrote:
"A woman, without her man, is nothing." 

All the females in the class wrote:
"A woman: without her, man is nothing."

Did you realise what difference can a punctuation mark make to a sentence.