Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Tora-Mieke, finally...


Just like an old phrase, you can cover the smell of dead-meat for good...finally the stinky odor of Tora and Mieke affair found its way ! They married just now...and now, the can fuck without worried by infotainment journalist, just like the old times in Bandung Hotels, when they were busted fucked in some luxurious room....

Click here to get Tora-Mieke FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

The Year that Was....

Yeah yeah i know that we haven't stepped into 2010 and here i am making 2009 history already!! :P I have always been a bit forward looking u c ;) Anyways, i am not goin to talk abt what happened in 2009 coz that wud be way too much to talk of in one single post. :D

But yes, this will be something like the highlights of a cricket match. 2009 was an eventful year coz it was full of events obviously! :D Ok, now enuff of pjs....lets talk abt some things that changed my life this year:
  1. A few ppl who i came across changed my life for the better!! And i don't want to name them coz i don't want to miss any names. :) And besides the ppl who know me well wud know who they are.

  2. Its impossible for me to miss this one, my bf's departure to UK for his MBA. Now this memory has a bittersweet feel to it. Bitter coz we have to stay apart for a whole yr and sweet coz its for our own betterment.

  3. This one's related to the second one, you can say its like a corollary. Staying on my own and being happy. I realised that happiness cannot be brought abt by somebody else in your life. Its you who's responsible for your own happiness.

  4. This one's for the ppl who are no more....yes they touched my life in their own special way. They made me realise that life is too short to worry/crib/hold grudges. So live it the way u want to coz u have just one life.

  5. Last but not the least (yes this is the last one coz i feel i have summed up more or less everything), a couple of movies that left an impact on me. I know it sounds silly, how can one possibly learn from movies!? But i have, and everytime there's a movie that talks sense and has a message to it, i feel we need to learn from it. so here's my list:
  • Paa - Loved it for the one and only Amitabh Bachchan. He was awesome in all respects...and he as Auro made me realise that anything is possible.
  • Avatar - Need i say more....this movie amazed me and made me think of the extent to which a human being can imagine....kudos to you James Cameroon.

  • Love Aaj Kal - Although i already know the importance of relationships in life, it made me realise that even if you have the best of everything in life, its incomplete without love.

  • 3 Idiots - Yes, i watched it only yesterday and i had to mention this one coz this is one movie nobody shud miss. It has something for everybody, parents, kids, teens, u, me and everyone.
    Note: i hope our education ministers learn something from this movie as well!

So this will be the last post from me for this year, and i will see all of u in the year 2010. I will be bringing in the new year with my mom and close friends, we have a party in our bldg by the pool side. Will miss dad :( as he's away in Pune for a seminar till 1st Jan'10. So tell me people what are your plans for the new year eve!? Come on guys get the ball rolling....

The Year that Was....

Yeah yeah i know that we haven't stepped into 2010 and here i am making 2009 history already!! :P I have always been a bit forward looking u c ;) Anyways, i am not goin to talk abt what happened in 2009 coz that wud be way too much to talk of in one single post. :D

But yes, this will be something like the highlights of a cricket match. 2009 was an eventful year coz it was full of events obviously! :D Ok, now enuff of pjs....lets talk abt some things that changed my life this year:
  1. A few ppl who i came across changed my life for the better!! And i don't want to name them coz i don't want to miss any names. :) And besides the ppl who know me well wud know who they are.

  2. Its impossible for me to miss this one, my bf's departure to UK for his MBA. Now this memory has a bittersweet feel to it. Bitter coz we have to stay apart for a whole yr and sweet coz its for our own betterment.

  3. This one's related to the second one, you can say its like a corollary. Staying on my own and being happy. I realised that happiness cannot be brought abt by somebody else in your life. Its you who's responsible for your own happiness.

  4. This one's for the ppl who are no more....yes they touched my life in their own special way. They made me realise that life is too short to worry/crib/hold grudges. So live it the way u want to coz u have just one life.

  5. Last but not the least (yes this is the last one coz i feel i have summed up more or less everything), a couple of movies that left an impact on me. I know it sounds silly, how can one possibly learn from movies!? But i have, and everytime there's a movie that talks sense and has a message to it, i feel we need to learn from it. so here's my list:
  • Paa - Loved it for the one and only Amitabh Bachchan. He was awesome in all respects...and he as Auro made me realise that anything is possible.
  • Avatar - Need i say more....this movie amazed me and made me think of the extent to which a human being can imagine....kudos to you James Cameroon.

  • Love Aaj Kal - Although i already know the importance of relationships in life, it made me realise that even if you have the best of everything in life, its incomplete without love.

  • 3 Idiots - Yes, i watched it only yesterday and i had to mention this one coz this is one movie nobody shud miss. It has something for everybody, parents, kids, teens, u, me and everyone.
    Note: i hope our education ministers learn something from this movie as well!

So this will be the last post from me for this year, and i will see all of u in the year 2010. I will be bringing in the new year with my mom and close friends, we have a party in our bldg by the pool side. Will miss dad :( as he's away in Pune for a seminar till 1st Jan'10. So tell me people what are your plans for the new year eve!? Come on guys get the ball rolling....

V for Ratu Felisha's toket !

toketthis is my V!

We have to re-thinking for the sylabus of V shorts ! It is proven by some asshole, who sign for V over Ratu Felisha's toket..! Vuck !

Click here to get Ratu Felisha FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

The hot legs of Deasy Novitasari....

deasy-novitasariwhich one is the hottest ?

deasy-novitasariI give you more!

What is the good and bad of Deasy Novitasari ? The Good one is she's non-alcoholic babe, she's got a very hot body and legs....what is the bad one ? She's no more in Suami-suami takut istri sitcom....

Click here to get Deasy Novitasari FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Tora Sudiro Touching Farah Quinn's Boobs...


Tora Sudiro, the wild boy of Indonesian Show-Biz...has always see the opportunities, to name it some, Titi Kamal, Mieke Amalia (even she's now becoming her wife ! ) and so on...and now, he can touch the Farah Quinn, the dream boobs of millions men....awesome dude !

Click here to get Farah Quinn FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

The Sex Scenes of Paramitha Rusady !

paramitha-RusadyI can't hold it anymore...sssssssh!


paramitha-Rusadyfuck me yeah..harder...yesssssssh!

paramitha-Rusadyharder..faster yeah...yesssssssh!

Paramitha Rusady, our hottest tante...has a very wild past ! She fucked with Donny Damara in some movies, we don't know it yet what's the tittle but the sex scene is just like a blue film....

Click here to get Paramitha Rusady FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

The Azhari's mom !

azhariAzhari mother...

There she is, so now we know where the beauty comes from ! This is the mother of Azhari's sisters....thanks mom, you have given us the pleasures from your daughters so far...

Click here to get The Azhari's FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Craciun fericit!

Dragilor va multumesc ca ati fost alaturi de mine si ca mi-ati urmarit blogul. Va doresc un Craciun Fericit alaturi de persoanele dragi si cu multe cadouri fashionable.
Sa aveti sarbatori de vis!
Va imbratisez cu drag!

Eclectic Christmas

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Tinute pentru craciun


Carrie Bradshaw Manolo's


The Urban Shoe Myth

It's that Time of the Year!!

In silently falling silvery snow,
Under a magical mistletoe.
In boxes tied up with laces,
Stockings hanging on fire places.
Atop the tree where a li�l star shines,
In bells that greet us,
with their chimes.
In tunes of Carols,
in the laughter of children.
May you find your Christmas
& Joys of the season!

Wish you a
Merry Christmas & a Happy 2010!

It's that Time of the Year!!

In silently falling silvery snow,
Under a magical mistletoe.
In boxes tied up with laces,
Stockings hanging on fire places.
Atop the tree where a li�l star shines,
In bells that greet us,
with their chimes.
In tunes of Carols,
in the laughter of children.
May you find your Christmas
& Joys of the season!

Wish you a
Merry Christmas & a Happy 2010!

Dewi-Dewi relaxing style...

dewi-dewijoin us ?

Taking a nap is very recommended by Japanese Doctors...and Dewi-Dewi is ready for that !

Click here to get Dewi-Dewi FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

The upskirt of Thalita Latief...

thalita-latiefI want to kiss him!

thalita-latiefand ready for next steps...

Seeing girls' up skirt is sensational, moreover she's a public figure....and Thalita latief give us the pleasure...

Click here to get Thalita Latief FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Be Like the Grass

Good morning people!! :) What a beautiful day it is, i know its very unusual of me to say something like this on a Monday morning! :P But somehow i am feeling very optimistic today, now don't as me why? Read the extract below and i m sure that this will make u feel good too.

"Have u noticed grass?
Even if somebody steps on it,
It never gets hurt, It never hurts others too.
When a wild storm arrives,

generally, all the big trees get uprooted
But the grass survives.

So, be noble & humble like the grass.
Simple yet strong!"

Be Like the Grass

Good morning people!! :) What a beautiful day it is, i know its very unusual of me to say something like this on a Monday morning! :P But somehow i am feeling very optimistic today, now don't as me why? Read the extract below and i m sure that this will make u feel good too.

"Have u noticed grass?
Even if somebody steps on it,
It never gets hurt, It never hurts others too.
When a wild storm arrives,

generally, all the big trees get uprooted
But the grass survives.

So, be noble & humble like the grass.
Simple yet strong!"

Snow style

Hit the slopes in style with the last range of super cosy ski and snowboard wear. Not only will it keep you nice and toasty but with faux fur trimes kooky accesories and super cool prints you're sure to look and feel the part. So whether you're just starting out, a snowboarding pro, or more intrested in the apres, ski,get ready to channel alpine cool.

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Cathy sharon in Daily Portraits !

cathy-sharonEat my hot legs!!!

cathy-sharoneat the noodle!!

cathy-sharonWhose the Hajj ?

Daily activities of Cathy Sharon is way always fun and cheer-up ! She doesn't feel itchy to hang-out with Trans-Gender' Aming, eat in one plate for low-budget people's noodle...and looks, she even joking with some kampong's Hajj.....well, my Cathy...

Click here to get Cathy Sharon FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

Ratu Felisha, or Fatty Felisha ?

ratu-felishaalcohol and Tobacco, my real friends!

ratu-felishaI'm the Queen of sucking!

ratu-felishaYeah I'm a lil fatty now, so what ?

ratu-felishato make love is not merely on men and women

Yeah, she's coming....again, only this time fat is getting along with her....but hell, for sucking biz, she's still numero uno. For the wild and free Ratu felisha....

Click here to get Ratu Felisha FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

The Gorgeous Cahya Kamila...

cahya kamilaa star is born!

cahya kamilachallenge me!

cahya kamilahottest cleavage ever!

Only few knows Cahya Kamila, she is a dangdut singer, a gorgeous one....I just imagine on how to get she tempts me my restless dreams....

Click here to get Cahya Kamila FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Why Men Love Women

So, why do men love women?

Men love women because they walk down the street erect, always looking straight ahead, never turning round to say thanks or return the smile or compliment we make when they pass by.

Because if they want to know something about their own appearance, they ask other women and don’t bother us with this type of question.

Because in the movies – and only in the movies – they never take a shower before making love with their partners.

Because they feel compassion, and say "I love you" precisely when they are beginning to love us less, to make up for what we can feel and notice.

Because they just love exotic cocktails with different colors and delicate little ornaments, while we always have the same old whiskey.

Because they don’t waste hours thinking about how they are going to approach the pretty young man who has just come on the bus.

Because they are capable of going to work dressed like men, in their delicate little suits, whereas no man would ever dare go to work wearing a skirt.

Because they really take seriously everything that is happening in the private lives of celebrities

Our lives and our thoughts always revolve around them, their bodies and souls are ever-present in our minds. Their femininity, elegance and strength transport us to another world. A woman's laugh touches our soul as well as seeing tears of happiness or sadness in her eyes. Women are the most beautiful and sublime creations in the universe to a man, and they always will be.
