Money has no memory, experience has.
You will never know what the total cost of your education was, but for a lifetime you will recall and relive the memories of school and college.
Few years from now, you�ll forget the amount you paid to settle the hospitalization bill, but you�ll cherish the memory of having saved your mother's life or the life you get to live with the just born.
You won't remember the cost of your honeymoon, but you�ll remember the experiences of the bliss of togetherness till the last breath.
Money has no memory, experience has.
Good times and bad times, times of prosperity and times of poverty, times when the future looked so secure and times when you didn't know from where the tomorrow will come�.
Life has been in one way or the other a roller-coaster ride for everyone. Beyond all that abundance and beyond all that deprivation, what remains is the memory of experiences.
Sometimes the wallet was full�.sometimes the pocket was empty. There was enough and you still had reasons to frown. There wasn't enough and you still had reasons to smile.
Today, you can look back with tears of gratitude for all the times you had laughed together, and also look back with a smile at all the times you cried alone. All in all, life filled you with experiences to create a history of your own self, and you alone can remember them all.
The first time you balanced yourself on your cycle without support�
The first time she said 'yes' when you proposed�
The first cry�the first steps�the first word�the first kiss�
The first gift you bought for your parents and the first gift your daughter gave you�
The first award�the first public appreciation�the first stage performance�
And the list is endless�All experiences, with timeless memory�
No denying that anything that's material costs money, but the fact remains that the cost of the experience will be forgotten, but the experience never!
So, what if it's economic recession? Let it be, but let there not be a recession to the quality of your life.
You can still take your parents, if not on a pilgrimage, at least to Church.
You can still play with your children, if not on an international holiday, at least in the local park.
It doesn't cost money to lie down or to take a loved one onto your lap.
Nice time to train the employees, build leadership and be ready for the so called wonderful times when they arrive (for perspective - even NOW can be a wonderful time!).
Hey! Aspects like your health, knowledge development and spiritual growth are not economy dependent.
Time will pass�economy will revive�currency will soon be in demand�and in all this, I don't want you to look back and realize, you did nothing but stayed in gloom.
Recession can make you lose out on money. Let it not make you lose out on experiences�If you are not happy with what you have, no matter how much more you have, you will still not be happy.
Make a statement with the way you live your life: How I feel has nothing to do with how much I have.