Sabtu, 31 Mei 2008

Cum sa iti alegi tinuta perfecta

Pe timp de vara este foarte important in momentul cind iti alegi tinuta de zi sau seara trebuie sa să ţii cont in primul rand de ţesături. Inul, mătasea naturală şi bumbacul sunt cele mai indicate fibre textile la care trebuie sa apelezi pe timp de vara. Evita materialele sintetice şi combinaţiile de fibre textile, cel mai indicate sunt hainele 100% din fibră naturală.
Pentru o tinuta de seara alege o rochiţă simplă, vaporoasă de cuolare verde, pantofi simpli albi si nu uitata de plic, care este la mare cautare vara aceasta. Poti opta pentru o rochie neagra din bumbac, care sa iti sublinieze talia si care sa iti scoata in evidenta formele. Vara asta se poarta femeile indraznete, sexy, cu atitudine! Insa nu uita de accesorii.

Pentru o zi insorita de vara poti opta pentru o fusta mini de culare alba si un tricou albastru marin si o sapca sau de ce nu o palarie care sa te aprele de razele soarelui

Pentru o tinuta de zi poti apela la pantaloni si la o bluza foarte larga, pantofi cu toc sau balerini.Gentile supra- dimensionale sunt recomandate la tinuta de zi.

Imagini preluate de pe:

Jumat, 30 Mei 2008

Dessy Fitriandi,Max Moein Secetary....

I've been raped by that bastard !!

Max_MoeinHe should gave me more money!

Max Moein - Video Scandal

Max Moein Scandal photo is now like a snow ball, moving wildly anywhere. Dessy Fitriandi was his secretary and she make an devotion about the raping episode of Max Moein. Pls don't chose this bastard !

Click here to get artisindobanget FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Rochii de seara

Rochiile dedicate acestui sezon sunt rochii elegante, sexy si rafinate. In noile creatii predomina foarte mult satinul, matasea, dantela si voalul. Designerii a creat tinute glamour perfecte pentru serile calduroase si speciale. In nuante de verde praz, galben intens, lila, portocaliu, rosu, roz, aceste rochii au stralucit pe podiumul de la Bucharest Fashion Week 2008.

Kamis, 29 Mei 2008

Stupid Questions People Ask

After that heavy post i feel its time to lighten up a bit so here are some interesting and funny answers to questions that v generally come across. :)

1. At the movies:
When you meet acquaintances/friends...
Stupid Question:- Hey, what are you doing here?

Answer:- Dont u know, I sell tickets in black over here...

2. In the bus:
A heavy lady wearing pointed high-heeled shoes steps on your feet...
Stupid Question:- Sorry, did that hurt?

Answer:- No, not at all, I'm on local anesthesia.....why don't you try again.

3. At a funeral:
One of the teary-eyed people ask...
Stupid Question:- Why, why him, of all people.

Answer:- Why? Would it rather have been you?

4. At a restaurant:
When you ask the waiter
Stupid Question:- Is the "Butter Paneer Masala" good??

Answer:- No, its terrible and made of adulterated cement. We occasionally
also spit in it.

5. At a family get-together:
When some distant aunt meets you after years
Stupid Question:-Munna,Chickoo, you've become so big.

Answer:- Well you haven't particularly shrunk yourself.

6. When a friend announces her wedding, and you ask...
Stupid Question:- Is the guy you're marrying good?

Answer:- No, he's a miserable wife-beating, insensitive's just the money.

7. When you get woken up at midnight by a phone call...
Stupid Question:- Sorry. were you sleeping?

Answer:- No. I was doing research on whether the Zulu tribes in Africa marry or not. You thought I was sleeping.... you dumb witted moron.

8. When you see a friend/colleague with evidently shorter hair...
Stupid Question:- Hey have you had a haircut?

Answer:- No, its autumn and I'm shedding......

9. At the dentist when he's sticking pointed objects in your mouth...
Stupid Question:- Tell me if it hurts?

Answer:- No it wont. It will just bleed.

10. You are smoking a cigarette and a cute woman in your office asks...
Stupid Question:- Oh, so you smoke.

Answer:- Gosh, it's a miracle was a piece of chalk and now it's in flames.

Stupid Questions People Ask

After that heavy post i feel its time to lighten up a bit so here are some interesting and funny answers to questions that v generally come across. :)

1. At the movies:
When you meet acquaintances/friends...
Stupid Question:- Hey, what are you doing here?

Answer:- Dont u know, I sell tickets in black over here...

2. In the bus:
A heavy lady wearing pointed high-heeled shoes steps on your feet...
Stupid Question:- Sorry, did that hurt?

Answer:- No, not at all, I'm on local anesthesia.....why don't you try again.

3. At a funeral:
One of the teary-eyed people ask...
Stupid Question:- Why, why him, of all people.

Answer:- Why? Would it rather have been you?

4. At a restaurant:
When you ask the waiter
Stupid Question:- Is the "Butter Paneer Masala" good??

Answer:- No, its terrible and made of adulterated cement. We occasionally
also spit in it.

5. At a family get-together:
When some distant aunt meets you after years
Stupid Question:-Munna,Chickoo, you've become so big.

Answer:- Well you haven't particularly shrunk yourself.

6. When a friend announces her wedding, and you ask...
Stupid Question:- Is the guy you're marrying good?

Answer:- No, he's a miserable wife-beating, insensitive's just the money.

7. When you get woken up at midnight by a phone call...
Stupid Question:- Sorry. were you sleeping?

Answer:- No. I was doing research on whether the Zulu tribes in Africa marry or not. You thought I was sleeping.... you dumb witted moron.

8. When you see a friend/colleague with evidently shorter hair...
Stupid Question:- Hey have you had a haircut?

Answer:- No, its autumn and I'm shedding......

9. At the dentist when he's sticking pointed objects in your mouth...
Stupid Question:- Tell me if it hurts?

Answer:- No it wont. It will just bleed.

10. You are smoking a cigarette and a cute woman in your office asks...
Stupid Question:- Oh, so you smoke.

Answer:- Gosh, it's a miracle was a piece of chalk and now it's in flames.

Rabu, 28 Mei 2008

Mama Vina and Afghan

I wish his cock as big as this mike!

afghanwant to get his ?
afghanPls be patient, me first...

Di dadaku ada kamu - Vina Panduwinata

Our mama Cleavage has been just get the younger boy, Afghan. Is he a MILF lover ?

Click here to get VINA FRESH HOT PICTURES to your inbox !

Minggu, 25 Mei 2008

pantofi barbati

In acest sezon la mare cautare sunt pantofii lacuiti cu varful rotund sau usor patrat. Cai si culori predomina negru, maro si crem. Aceste modele le puteti gasi la il passo si geox.

cool party looks-man

Avand in vedere ca se apropie sezonul banchetelor si colegii m-au intrebat ce se poarta in vara aceasta in materie de costume, am cautat cele mai noi aparitii. Ca si culori puteti opta pentru clasicul negru sau gri care este la mare cautare in acest sezon. Evitati dungile deoarece nu mai sunt in trend anul acesta. Brabatii putin mai indrazneti care vor sa se faca remarcati pot renunta la camasa in favoarea unui tricou mulat .

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2008

Deadly Love

The creative head of the game show �Kya Aap Paanchvi Paas Se Tez Hain� has been found dead, hacked into 300 pieces. His body was recovered 10 days after he went missing, The victim Neeraj Grover was the Assistant Creative Head of Synergy Productions, Mumbai.

The accused in the murder are Neeraj Grover�s girlfriend and small time Kannada actress Maria Susyraj, 28, and Naval officer and Maria�s fiance Lt Jerome Mathew, 25, aeronautical engineer based in Cochin. The breakthrough in the case came as a result of Maria confessing to the crime during interrogation. Maria broke down in police custody, but the police are still unclear on murder motive.

Police says the couple debated on how to erase the clues that could lead to their discovery. Jerome is learnt to have convinced Maria that no one will get a hint of their crime once the body is disposed. When Maria expressed doubts about someone in the building seeing them take the body out, Jerome suggested cutting the body into pieces, stuffing them into bags and disposing it in some isolated place. It was then Maria who offered to buy the knives and bags, while Jerome suggested that they buy petrol and a lighter and burn the bags.

The Crime Branch has arrested Jerome from Kochi on Wednesday evening (May 21). Sources tell that Maria saw Neeraj as a stepping stone to Bollywood and had never revealed to him her relationship with her fiance. Neeraj Grover went missing on May 10th. He was last seen dining with Maria. He had accompanied her to her flat in Malad after that and stayed back.

According to police, at around 10:30 pm on May 9th, Mathew called Maria on her cell phone. Mathew was shocked when he overheard Grover�s voice and asked Maria about the person. She informed him that Grover was her friend and was helping her in shifting. Mathew told Maria to immediately ask Grover to leave.

Next morning, when Maria answered the door bell, she was shocked to find Mathew at the doorstep. Mathew was equally shocked to see Grover in the bedroom and flew into a rage, overpowered the man and stabbed him with a kitchen knife.�

That�s how this creative head of a prominent production house in Mumbai met his gruesome end.

I was totally shocked to read such a news.....I really dint know how to react but it definitely made me think about one thing; Can love be so deadly? Can somebody love someone so much that he/she can kill anybody who dares to come in between them? Tell me have u done something extreme in love? Also let me know ur views on possessiveness and jealousy...How much of it is permissible?

Deadly Love

The creative head of the game show �Kya Aap Paanchvi Paas Se Tez Hain� has been found dead, hacked into 300 pieces. His body was recovered 10 days after he went missing, The victim Neeraj Grover was the Assistant Creative Head of Synergy Productions, Mumbai.

The accused in the murder are Neeraj Grover�s girlfriend and small time Kannada actress Maria Susyraj, 28, and Naval officer and Maria�s fiance Lt Jerome Mathew, 25, aeronautical engineer based in Cochin. The breakthrough in the case came as a result of Maria confessing to the crime during interrogation. Maria broke down in police custody, but the police are still unclear on murder motive.

Police says the couple debated on how to erase the clues that could lead to their discovery. Jerome is learnt to have convinced Maria that no one will get a hint of their crime once the body is disposed. When Maria expressed doubts about someone in the building seeing them take the body out, Jerome suggested cutting the body into pieces, stuffing them into bags and disposing it in some isolated place. It was then Maria who offered to buy the knives and bags, while Jerome suggested that they buy petrol and a lighter and burn the bags.

The Crime Branch has arrested Jerome from Kochi on Wednesday evening (May 21). Sources tell that Maria saw Neeraj as a stepping stone to Bollywood and had never revealed to him her relationship with her fiance. Neeraj Grover went missing on May 10th. He was last seen dining with Maria. He had accompanied her to her flat in Malad after that and stayed back.

According to police, at around 10:30 pm on May 9th, Mathew called Maria on her cell phone. Mathew was shocked when he overheard Grover�s voice and asked Maria about the person. She informed him that Grover was her friend and was helping her in shifting. Mathew told Maria to immediately ask Grover to leave.

Next morning, when Maria answered the door bell, she was shocked to find Mathew at the doorstep. Mathew was equally shocked to see Grover in the bedroom and flew into a rage, overpowered the man and stabbed him with a kitchen knife.�

That�s how this creative head of a prominent production house in Mumbai met his gruesome end.

I was totally shocked to read such a news.....I really dint know how to react but it definitely made me think about one thing; Can love be so deadly? Can somebody love someone so much that he/she can kill anybody who dares to come in between them? Tell me have u done something extreme in love? Also let me know ur views on possessiveness and jealousy...How much of it is permissible?

Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

Tendinte pantofi vara

In vara aceasta designerii propun pantofii exagerat de inalti (12-16 cm), lacuiti, metalizati sau din piele naturala. Primavara si vara inseamna culoare... multa culoare. Aceste tendinte sunt foarte bine reliefate in moda propusa pentru acest sezon.Culorile care sunt in trend anul acesta: auriu, argintiu, rosu, negru, galben, verde, albastru si gri. Pentru fetele care prefera pantofii mai confortabili pot opta pentru cei cu platforma, care pe langa faptul ca sunt foarte comozi acestia confera suplete si senzualitate picioarelor. Iubitoarele pantofilor platforma sunt cele care doresc sa fie sic, dar si sa se simta bine in ei (fara sa fie nevoite sa faca un efort exagerat. Acestia pot fi asorti cu usurinta la orice: de la blugi la fuste, in plus sunt mult mai comozi decat pantofii cu toc. Balerinii si sandalele de tip gladiator raman si in aceasta vara in top, insa evitati sa purtai seara balerinii si sandalele fara toc. La mare cautare sunt si pantofi cu varful decupat.Daca platformele sunt preferate in special de persoanele mai sportive, pantofii cu varful decupat sunt accesoriile perfecte pentru fetele care prefera eleganta mai presus de toate. Noile colectii de vara readuc moda incaltamintei accesorizate, cu catarame, pietre si barete in culori vii.

Poseta plic must-have-ul acestui sezon

Cea mai in voga aparitie din acest sezon este plicul oversized purtat ziua (dar si seara). Cu cat e mai mare, cu atat e mai hot. Plicul este foarte tare la moda pentru aceasta perioada asa ca nu ezitati sa va achizitionati unul. Este micut si foarte elegant, suficient pentru telefonul mobil si cateva produse de machiaj. Multe dintre voi, vor ramane uimite...dar moda a revenit si puteti purta poseta bunicii in orice moment al zilei. Pentru seara optati pentru plicul cu accente pretioase, chiar pietricele stralucitoare, sunt foarte trendy. In materie de accesorii, secretul acestui sezon ramane culoarea si de aceea trebuie sa alegeti un plic in nuanta tinutei pe care o purtati.