Rabu, 30 April 2008

Just My Luck

Was reading Shahrukh's interview in yesterday's Bombay Times, and one thing that struck me was that is he really that good or is it purely luck!! I think its a bit of both, coz nobody can go up in life on the basis of jus luck. Most of the times i have heard ppl saying that this guy doesn't know to act, he stutters and stammers.....god knows how ppl like him! Its strange that a person who has the mentioned inadequacies has been literally ruling the silver screen for over 15 years. He has not only proved himself as an actor but he has also been a successful anchor, producer and now an owner of a cricket team! Before all of u pounce on me, lemme tell u something this post is not about SRK, its about people like him who have been more or less successful in whatever they have done in life. Its about those ppl who have done well but most of the times the credit for their success has been given away to luck! Is it fair to take away all the credit from a person and give it to their lucky stars!? Thats for all of u to decide. I hav known such ppl and thats y i can say that they r indeed responsible for their own success and its ok to give them the credit for that. I hav known this guy who has always got things in life without struggling much. Anything u talk of, be it education, be it the love of his life, or be it his job. When everybody in his college was struggling to get thru a good company during campus placements, he got thru the first company he sat for! At that time everybody said that he dint deserve to be there and that he got it by fluke. He fell in love with this girl who studied in his school but then she got transferred and he felt that this is where his story had to end. But something inside him dint let him rest in peace and soon he realised his love for that girl was true and he tried to get in touch with her......She was livin in a different city now, and chances were that she cud be seeing somebody else but then he took a chance and came to know that she still loved him and as they say the rest is history. But the point in all of this is.......was he really lucky or was he truly genuine in giving his best shot in whatever he did! I will not deny his luck.....he was lucky for sure to have things his way. But what i want to bring to light is his ingenuity, his want to hav something so badly that he had to hav it. So tell me hw many of u hav heard this from others that "Arey he got it coz he's lucky and not bcoz he deserves it!". And how far do u agree with this statement. My say is a person can definitely succeed if he has a gr8 combination of intelligence and luck.

Just My Luck

Was reading Shahrukh's interview in yesterday's Bombay Times, and one thing that struck me was that is he really that good or is it purely luck!! I think its a bit of both, coz nobody can go up in life on the basis of jus luck. Most of the times i have heard ppl saying that this guy doesn't know to act, he stutters and stammers.....god knows how ppl like him! Its strange that a person who has the mentioned inadequacies has been literally ruling the silver screen for over 15 years. He has not only proved himself as an actor but he has also been a successful anchor, producer and now an owner of a cricket team! Before all of u pounce on me, lemme tell u something this post is not about SRK, its about people like him who have been more or less successful in whatever they have done in life. Its about those ppl who have done well but most of the times the credit for their success has been given away to luck! Is it fair to take away all the credit from a person and give it to their lucky stars!? Thats for all of u to decide. I hav known such ppl and thats y i can say that they r indeed responsible for their own success and its ok to give them the credit for that. I hav known this guy who has always got things in life without struggling much. Anything u talk of, be it education, be it the love of his life, or be it his job. When everybody in his college was struggling to get thru a good company during campus placements, he got thru the first company he sat for! At that time everybody said that he dint deserve to be there and that he got it by fluke. He fell in love with this girl who studied in his school but then she got transferred and he felt that this is where his story had to end. But something inside him dint let him rest in peace and soon he realised his love for that girl was true and he tried to get in touch with her......She was livin in a different city now, and chances were that she cud be seeing somebody else but then he took a chance and came to know that she still loved him and as they say the rest is history. But the point in all of this is.......was he really lucky or was he truly genuine in giving his best shot in whatever he did! I will not deny his luck.....he was lucky for sure to have things his way. But what i want to bring to light is his ingenuity, his want to hav something so badly that he had to hav it. So tell me hw many of u hav heard this from others that "Arey he got it coz he's lucky and not bcoz he deserves it!". And how far do u agree with this statement. My say is a person can definitely succeed if he has a gr8 combination of intelligence and luck.

culroile care se poarta vara aceasta

Odata cu venirea verii , accesul e liber la culorile puternice si chiar foarte puternice. Poti alege nunate de la galben care iti aduce energia si vitaliatatea de care ai nevoie ( si nu uitati ca e un must sa ai in garderoba ta ceva galben ) , albastru puternic , sau poti alege movul care este prezent peste tot in creatiile designerilor .

Minggu, 27 April 2008

The Review of The "Tashan"

So here comes the 2nd day review of the much awaited YRF movie "Tashan". I don't really know what genre to put this movie in.... I guess its best to say that it truly is "The Desi Masala, The Inglish Ishtyle"!! I dont' want to reveal the plot so i will just give you all a brief overview of the movie since it's released just a day back. Everybody has played there role well, if u ask me i would have to say Akshay Kumar has really done a good job as "Bachhan Pandey" (its a treat to watch him). Saif plays his own cool self as "Jimmy Cliff", I personally dint like his look in Tashan but he does manage to look hot in quite a few scenes. Anil Kapoor tickles your funny bone with his Hinglish as "Bhaiyya ji"....which can actually spoil ur English!! And last but the least.....Kareena Kapoor plays a good gurl turned into a Bitch as Pooja Singh. She has played her role well too.....but sorry to disappoint you guys her size zero avatar jus sucks!! And if u r expecting her to emerge out of the sea ala Halle Berry (Die Another Day) in a bikini....the scene lasts for hardly 5 seconds and doesn't impress at all! For that matter i cudn't even hear a single whistle in the theatre....Really feel sad for Kareena, all this hard work to become Size Zero seems to hav gone waste. But i think she will do better as an FTV model coz she sure qualifies as one now! ;) So all in all my rating for this movie would be average, where the first half was gripping and fast paced, the 2nd half at the same time was slow and sluggish. Music, if u ask me my personal favorites are "Dil Haara Re", "Dil Dance Maare" (a funny song with nice choreography) and the title track (a very peppy and catchy number). So do watch it and let me know ur remarks. :)

The Review of The "Tashan"

So here comes the 2nd day review of the much awaited YRF movie "Tashan". I don't really know what genre to put this movie in.... I guess its best to say that it truly is "The Desi Masala, The Inglish Ishtyle"!! I dont' want to reveal the plot so i will just give you all a brief overview of the movie since it's released just a day back. Everybody has played there role well, if u ask me i would have to say Akshay Kumar has really done a good job as "Bachhan Pandey" (its a treat to watch him). Saif plays his own cool self as "Jimmy Cliff", I personally dint like his look in Tashan but he does manage to look hot in quite a few scenes. Anil Kapoor tickles your funny bone with his Hinglish as "Bhaiyya ji"....which can actually spoil ur English!! And last but the least.....Kareena Kapoor plays a good gurl turned into a Bitch as Pooja Singh. She has played her role well too.....but sorry to disappoint you guys her size zero avatar jus sucks!! And if u r expecting her to emerge out of the sea ala Halle Berry (Die Another Day) in a bikini....the scene lasts for hardly 5 seconds and doesn't impress at all! For that matter i cudn't even hear a single whistle in the theatre....Really feel sad for Kareena, all this hard work to become Size Zero seems to hav gone waste. But i think she will do better as an FTV model coz she sure qualifies as one now! ;) So all in all my rating for this movie would be average, where the first half was gripping and fast paced, the 2nd half at the same time was slow and sluggish. Music, if u ask me my personal favorites are "Dil Haara Re", "Dil Dance Maare" (a funny song with nice choreography) and the title track (a very peppy and catchy number). So do watch it and let me know ur remarks. :)

Sabtu, 26 April 2008

Paste fericit!

Va urez tuturor un Paste fericit alaturi de cei dragi si sa aveti parte de o vacanta placuta .
Hristos a Inviat!

Jumat, 25 April 2008

sandale in trend 2008

Sandalele fara toc au revenit in acest sezon , arata foarte hot si se potrivesc perfec cu orice fusta mini , cu pantaloni lungi sau rochii vaporoase.

Senin, 21 April 2008

Back to Solitude....

Yeah its back to me and my loneliness.....Parents hav left for Europe and my guy left yesterday! :( Its like suddenly the whole house has gone quite as if something bad has happened. I dunno if its true or its my own conception coz i am all alone. But its extremely difficult for a talkative person like me to stay alone.....its impossible for me to explain how is it to live alone. May be some ppl can describe it better but i hav never lived alone in my life and this is not the first time but its irritating to b on ur own, u need someone to share ur daily life happenings. I can't keep bugging my guy all the time on phone and besides nothin compares to physical presence. But y m i sulking...especially when my guy is coming this weekend again!! :) He cudnt see me so sad and unhappy....and he booked his tickets for the coming weekend....jus to make me feel better. He's such a sweetheart!!! So absolutely love him....Thanks a lot for bringing him into my life god! :D

Back to Solitude....

Yeah its back to me and my loneliness.....Parents hav left for Europe and my guy left yesterday! :( Its like suddenly the whole house has gone quite as if something bad has happened. I dunno if its true or its my own conception coz i am all alone. But its extremely difficult for a talkative person like me to stay alone.....its impossible for me to explain how is it to live alone. May be some ppl can describe it better but i hav never lived alone in my life and this is not the first time but its irritating to b on ur own, u need someone to share ur daily life happenings. I can't keep bugging my guy all the time on phone and besides nothin compares to physical presence. But y m i sulking...especially when my guy is coming this weekend again!! :) He cudnt see me so sad and unhappy....and he booked his tickets for the coming weekend....jus to make me feel better. He's such a sweetheart!!! So absolutely love him....Thanks a lot for bringing him into my life god! :D

Sabtu, 19 April 2008

Happy birthday to me!!!!!!!!!!

Astazi e ziua mea de nastere implinesc 22 de ani ....si ca sa nu treaca neobservata am zis sa postez si pe blog un tortulet pentru mine . ( pacat ca azi o sa trebuiasca sa stau in casa sa invat pt lucrarea de maine si sa -mi termin proiectele care le am de predat tot maine :( ((.
La multi ani si celor cu nume de flori .......

Colectia Gucci primavara-vara

Casa Gucci aduce in atentie in acest sezon centurile late din lac cu catarame mari. In creatia 2008 primavara /vara s-a pus accent foarte tare pe fustele scurte si largi in combinatii de alb si negru , indulcite si cu un pic de galben . Pantalonii din colectia gucci sunt stramti si se opresc la nivelul gleznelor , culorile predominante fiind roz si negru. Rochiile sunt foarte lungi fiind sustinute doar pe un umar sau fara bretele. La aceste tinute se adauga gentile foarte mari.

Jumat, 18 April 2008

Moda revine

Blugii sunt cei care ne scot din incurcatura in orice situatie insa putine sunt cele care stiu aleaga cu grija tipul de blugi care sa le avantajeze silueta. Sezonul acesta se poarta foarte tare blugii mulati , insa au aparut in top si blugii evazati . "Blugii trebuie sa-ti ridice fesele, sa-ti alungeasca picioarele si sa-ti subtieze soldurile, spune designerul Paige Adams-Geller. Daca blugii tai nu au efectul acesta, atunci mergi la cumparaturi si cauta o pereche potrivita". Trebuie sa alegeti forma care va avantajeaza cel mai bine fie ca sunt drepti si mulati fie evazati .

Kamis, 17 April 2008

beautiful song

Baby , I think I love ......
should I tell you?
Should I do?
What else could I do?
Maybe I am crazy
But I am crazy about you And how about you?
I got to tell you
I got this feeling
I got to tell you
I got this feeling for you,
Just for you
And I know that is so good to make you feel good
I got to show you How i love you
I got to hold you'
Cause I'm lost without you,
Without you
And as lost as you go to for the star.......

Man Jeans

Jeansii au ajuns sa fie purtati atat la office cat si in combinatii mai lejere pentru clubbing sau weekend. In general, barbatii cheltuiesc sume destul de mari pe jeansi, alegand calitatea mai presus de toate , dar in acelasi timp sa le scoata in evidenta atuurile si evident sa se incadreze in tendinte. Blugii drepti sunt in tendinte si in acest sezon si se regasesc in colectiile Chanel, Levi's sau D-Squared , pe care ii puteti combina foarte usor cu o bluza sport, jachete si de ce nu sacouri .


I hav been unable to write anything these days....i know its gonna sound very cliched but yes i hav been very busy with work and other things in life!! My parents are going to Europe and i am gonna be all alone for the coming two weeks! :( I m gonna be so bored....coz i m so used to talking to my mum abt how did the day go and blah, blah, blah. At the work front i am picking up the processes soon, i hav some very good team members who are extremely sweet & helpful. And now, the best part is that my guy is coming tomorrow, i am gonna be completely unavailable for the next three days!! :) So please excuse me guys and gurls....Will be back soon and probably write everyday as i will be all on my own. It kinda spooks me out to imagine living all alone in a 3 BHK. But i suppose i'll be able to pull thru this phase (hopefully). Anyways its a chow from me and will be back soon.

With loads of love,


I hav been unable to write anything these days....i know its gonna sound very cliched but yes i hav been very busy with work and other things in life!! My parents are going to Europe and i am gonna be all alone for the coming two weeks! :( I m gonna be so bored....coz i m so used to talking to my mum abt how did the day go and blah, blah, blah. At the work front i am picking up the processes soon, i hav some very good team members who are extremely sweet & helpful. And now, the best part is that my guy is coming tomorrow, i am gonna be completely unavailable for the next three days!! :) So please excuse me guys and gurls....Will be back soon and probably write everyday as i will be all on my own. It kinda spooks me out to imagine living all alone in a 3 BHK. But i suppose i'll be able to pull thru this phase (hopefully). Anyways its a chow from me and will be back soon.

With loads of love,

Minggu, 13 April 2008

Louis Vuitton-cea mai populara marca de genti

Sunt un simbol al luxului si au devenit un must have al fiecarui sezon . In colectia vuitton din acest sezon pe primul loc se afla gentile supradimensionate in culori tari precum galben, verde, mov, oranj . Insa clasicul maro care predomina in orice colectie vuitton va fi mereu la moda. Este ce mai populara marca dar si cea mai scumpa , chiar daca nu ne putem permite o astfel de geanta sa admiram avem voie .

Sabtu, 12 April 2008

Size Zero Obsession!!

This is not about me being obsessed with size 0, this is about the current trend which says that being size 0 is in!! I really dunno how can something so unhealthy be cool!? And I absolutely fail to understand the reason behind this craze to become a size zero! Initially i thought this trend was only prevalent in the western countries....(who can forget the dead pan expressions of the models who strut down the ramp on FTV). But now this trend seems to have caught up in India as well! Wonder what happened to all those crusaders who used to say that this is something that exists only in the west and that we are Indians and Indian women have the most voluptuous/curvy figure and this makes us look healthier, blah, blah, blah. Welcome to the new goddess Kareena Kapoor, who looks as thin as she can at 48 kgs!! Does that mean that the malnutritioned look is in...ok i wonder what that means though. Director Aditya Chopra surely seems to have a thing for the "Size 0 Look" coz he's the one who started it with Dhoom: 2, where Ash was asked to lose weight drastically so that she cud carry off all the clothes the way she did in the movie. And now everybody seems to be waiting with bated breath to see Kareena sizzle in a bikini in her forthcoming film "Tashan". According to me, she is not looking gr8 wth bones jutting out from all over her body, to think of it i would say Bipasha anyday looked far more sexier in a bikini in Dhoom: 2. Well I am not against losing weight or anything of that sorts but what i want to say is that losing weight to insane levels is definitely not recommended. Anyways it all depends on the kind of reactions Kareena will evoke with her new look in Tashan. Although, the media is already raving and ranting about her new avatar which resembles her now close cousins of the west like Victoria Beckham, i want to know what does our 'Hoi Polloi' (that means public) feel about it. Feel free to agree or disagree with me.